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Hi, I'm Lindsay. My life is pretty bad. I'll just give you a list of my life.
•I am bullied by 6 guys
• I have no parents and my sister is the onl one that is there for me
• I get beaten up everyday

So yeah that sums it up.

I guess lets get to the story.


I wake up again to another horrible day of my life. But it's not that bad, today would have been my parents anniversary, which gives me a reason to smile the slightest bit. Today I'm going to wear my mothers graduation and after wedding party dress which fits me perfectly. I put that on and give my hair some wavy curls and slight volume. Then I put on mascara.

when I get to my locker, I'm am surprisingly not met by any of my aggressors. So I walk to my first period class that has every one of them in it. Let the insults begin.

As I walk to my usual spot to eat, the bathroom, 3 of my aggressors stop me. Oh I forgot to tell you who they are. Cameron Dallas, the leader, Taylor Cannif, Matthew Espinosa, Shawn Mendes, Nash Grier, and Carter Reynolds. I am met by Cameron, Taylor, and Shawn.
" where do you think your going" Cameron says with an evil smirk. Just as he says that, Taylor throws a smoothie at me, ruining the dress. "Oh my god, what did you do?!" As I say this my eyes start tearing up. Ignoring the question, Taylor says, " why don't you do us a favor and kill yourself." That hurt. "Shawn says, "why are you even crying?" Oh you want to know.

"You really want to know?" Yes, hurry up."
"Well first of all, my parents were both killed during 9/11, so I haven't seen them since then, my sister is the only one that cares about me, and she gave up her dream job to take care of me. One important part is that today, WOULD have been my parents anniversary, and this was my moms graduation/after wedding party dress, which you ruined. I get beaten, insulted, and humiliated everyday by you guys, and no one ever wanted to be there for me because you told the lies about me turning them against me. Oh and don't forget Sara, my only friend that was killed by a drunk driver. That's what's wrong. I actually think I will take your advice, Taylor." After saying that, I look at them who have shocked faces, and they are also on the verge of crying. "Go find someone else's life to ruin, because you acomplished ruining mine. Goodbye and see you in heaven." On that note I walk out of school and head to the place that I decided to do it at if I ever got to this point.

Cams POV

Oh my god, what have we done.
"Guys we need to follow her." On that note, we chase after her into the woods.

Lindsay's POV

I find the rock that I hid the knife under. I go to the patch of flowers that perfectly surround my body. With that, I hover the knife above my stomach, then plunge it into my stomach. I always had a note that I wrote for this reason to the boys, which I held in my other hand. Right as I start to black out, I here a familiar voice say, "Lindsay, what have I done, I loved you, and now your gone." And then everything goes black.

Cams POV

Right as we get there, we see her plunge the knife into her stomach. Shawn starts calling 911, and I run over to her trying to stop the blood. I glance over her, and she looks so lifeless. But something in her hand catches my eye. A note. It read,

Dear My Aggressors,

This is something that will always be a burden on your shoulders, and it will stay with you forever. I hated you the day you started bullying me, I hated you. But deep down inside, I loved all of you so much. But one of you I loved more than anything, and the day you would have stopped bullying me, I would tell you. Just remember, this is not your fault.




At this point I am balling my eyes out. The paramedics take her body to the hospital because they say she still has a chance. What have we done.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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