🍋🍋Levi x reader🍋🍋

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You walk to the mess hall to eat supper you were excited because you haven't ate lunch, so you were in a rush.

You grab your tray walking to your normal table with Sasha, Connie, and Jean. You sit your tray down shoving the food in you mouth quickly but trying to savor the flavor at the same time.

You finish eating, Sasha surprisingly finishing after you, and you listen to the conversations around you.

"Y/n." You hear a from behind you. You immediately knew who it was. It was Captain Levi...

You turn your head afraid to look him directly into his eyes. You quickly salute and he gives you the 'okay'.

"Yes captain?" You ask putting your arm to your side.

"Come with me." He says turning away and walking off.

You bow your head in understanding and you pick up your tray putting it away.

You follow him closely behind wondering what he wanted.

He leads you to his office opening the door awaiting for you to go inside. After you walked in he closed and locked the door before walking to his desk.

"What did you need Captain?" I ask making direct eye contact.

He looks back his stotic expression staying the same sighing before saying "I need you to me clean."

You chuckle a bit "why me? You are way better at cleaning than me." I say confidently.

His expression doesn't change which scared you a bit.

"Because your the only one I know who can actually clean. Plus your the only brat I can put up with." He says tapping his fingers on the desk that was to his side.

"Okay fine." You sigh before walking to get the cleaning supplies.

Levi just waits sitting at the edge of his desk watching you.

You come out with the cleaning supplies setting them on the desk.

"What's first?" You ask not wanting to do this.

"Bookshelfs." He says handing you a feather duster and some type of spray before getting off the desk and sitting down starting on some paperwork.

You start by dusting the books then the shelves. Once you finish doing that you try reaching the top shelf.

You get on your tiptoes still not able to reach it completely. Levi looks over at you and smirks at your struggling. He chuckles to himself ignoring the pinch in his pants and continues doing paperwork.

You manage to get the top shelf so you step back admiring your work.

You walk over to his desk wondering what to do next.

"Floors." He says not looking up from his paperwork.

You sigh grabbing a broom and sweeping as much dust and dirt you can.

Levi looks at you again once your turnt around. He feels his pants get tighter as he sees you drop the broom and sees you bend down to get it.

Nice ass...

He gets up from his spot and slowly makes his way over to you. Your still bent down sweeping dirt from a corner. As you stand up you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

You freeze 'This can't be hapening' You hold your breath waiting for his next move.

"I can't stand you y/n....your so beautiful...and I know you feel the same way..."

Levi x reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now