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I wake up in the small shack to Gorou standing over me, concern plasters his face as I sit up rubbing my eyes, "Kazuha, are you alright? What happened." The general asks, crouching down to my level carefully touching my head, pain shoots through my body as I jerk away from his hand. "What happened?" The man asks again, yet I can't find it in me to talk to him about it.

Tomo and I were more than friends., we were lovers up until the duel with Sara. I lost part of me that day I had walked up those steps to find that he had lost the battle. I knew he would, deep within me I knew he wouldn't make it. Yet there was still some hope in me that perhaps he would find some weakness with the woman and win the fight . I've struggled with the fact I didn't at least try to get in the way, perhaps he could've ran and gotten away like I had if I had tried to save him. I wish I would have just died with him that horrible day, perhaps it would've been better that way. The man beside me takes a deep breath,  "You know Kazuha, when I heard you had left Inazuma in a flee after something happened I thought you were as good as dead, none of us heard from you for years. I assumed you had died trying to escape Inazuma." Gorou says, a small forced smile plasters his face.
"I found out Tomo had died and I assumed you did shortly after, so I joined this army to stop others from falling into the same fate. When I heard Traveler mention your name I thought they were lying." He chuckles, visibly upset. "I thought my ears were deceiving me, so I went to look for myself. We were desperate for anyone and I knew if you were alive that you out of all people would help us fight against the Shogun. I'm glad you're alive Kazuha, I've missed you, more than you may think." He says, small tears spill from his eyes as he quickly wraps his arms around me hugging me tightly, I wrap my arms around him in return holding him close to me.

"I'm sorry, I never met to deceive you. If i'm being honest I'm as good as dead anyways I'm a coward, I have no reason to fight anymore. I fled because I didn't want her to get Tomo's vision. I'm not going to lie I regret not staying behind to try to save him, I wish it were me instead of him in that cold ground right now." I say, I try to smile but my face stays still, a smile not even being able to find a way there. "Please don't say that. If you died Kazuha I'd be lost without you, When I thought you were gone I struggled to find my way, I can't live without you Kazuha, not again." The general mumbles next to my face, everything falls silent for a while.

Back when we were younger I did have feelings for Gorou, but they soon faded after I met Tomo. However, now as I'm here with Gorou next to me in my arms those feelings no longer feel so faded. Perhaps they never faded in the first place, They were just pushed aside. Is it even in my right to have feelings for him? after Tomo, after making him under the impression I too was dead? I would fail him just as I failed Tomo. "I can tell you're uneasy here, I'm sorry. If everything works out well stop this Vision hunt, his death won't be in vain." He says, his lips softly press against the side of my head causing my whole body to tense up, why am I the one here. I don't deserve to feel cared for.

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