Chapter VI

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After the chaos of the extermination, Angel, Alastor, and the rest of the Hazbin crew were solely focused on one thing: the birth of the babies. Angel's stomach was bulging; the due date for the twins was quickly approaching, so to prevent any falls or accidents that might injure Angel or the babies, Alastor had the spider confined to his bed. As much as Angel hated being stuck in bed, he didn't have the balls to argue with Alastor. The Radio Demon couldn't be dissuaded.

The days continued to pass slowly, one after the other after the other. Alastor did his best to keep his spider company, refusing to leave Angel's side. Nine days after being confined to his bed, the big day finally arrived. Or, rather, the big night.

"Hey, Al?" Angel said. He and his deer companion were getting ready to go to bed after another uneventful day.

"Yes, darling?" Alastor was finishing up putting on his pajamas and was buttoning up his shirt. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah." The spider rubbed his huge belly. "I've been doin' some thinkin', about the babies an' all," he said, "an' I was just wonderin'... how're we gonna feed them?"

Alastor froze for a minute as he was climbing into bed. "What do you mean?"

"Well, think about it. I have a fluffy chest, but it's flat underneath. I ain't got no boobs," Angel explained. "So, I was wonderin' how we're gonna feed the babies. B'cus they're prolly gonna be hungry when I finally pop 'em out."

Alastor climbed into bed beside Angel and looked at his mate. "That is a very interesting question, my dear. How are we going to feed two little demon babies?"

"It's been keepin' me up some nights," Angel admitted. "I don' even think we have any baby clothes or diapers or anything! How're we gonna take care of these lil babies when we ain't got nothin'!"

"Angel, mon cher, calm down." Alastor gently rubbed his mate's back, comforting him. "Don't get yourself all worked up. I'm sure that with Charlie's help, we'll be able to take good care of our children."

Angel nodded, but in the back of his mind, he was still worried. He leaned back against his many pillows and continued to rub his belly, feeling the babies move. "What do you think they'll be like?" he asked after a few moments of silence.

"Hmm... that I do not know," Alastor replied. "What do you think?"

"I dunno," Angel said. "There are a million different ways that they could look, different personalities that they could develop. Will they look more like me? Or more like you? Will they have a craving for demon flesh like their daddy, or can they eat regular food? Are they fraternal twins like my sister Molly an' I, or identical?"

Alastor let out a few static-y chuckles. "I guess we will have to wait and find out, mon ange." He then reached out and pulled the blankets up around Angel, tucking the spider in. "Let's get ourselves some sleep, shall we? We'll continue this discussion tomorrow, preferably with the princess."

With Alastor's help, Angel adjusted his body and lied down, but he couldn't fall asleep. His lower back began to bother him again, and he was feeling some discomfort settling in his stomach. After about two hours, he rolled over and tapped Alastor on the shoulder, waking the deer up.

"Al, I don't feel so good," he said. "Will you help me to the bathroom? Please?"

Alastor lazily rolled out of bed and went to his mate's side, helping him up. Once he got Angel to a standing position, he led the spider to the bathroom and turned the light on. As soon as they crossed the threshold into the bathroom, he nearly doubled over as a stabbing pain ripped through his stomach.

"Oh!" the spider gasped, gripping his belly with his free hands. He winced, bracing himself against the sink.

"Angel, are you okay?" Alastor supported his mate, looking concerned.

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