~Chapter 1~ New Boy

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Y/n woke up from her slumber and got up like everything day. She got ready and ate breakfast. "Mom could you drop me off?" "Sure sweetie!"

Y/n mom dropped her off at school and Y/n went into the school building. She went to go to class but Y/n overheard people talking about a new boy that came here today.

Y/n then were curious about what the new boy looks like so she asked one of the girls.

The girl said, "He just came to this school today and said to have shiny, silky, grey hair and rainbow eyes that shine in the sunlight." Y/n then said, "Thank you," and the bell rang.

Class started and Y/n sat down. Y/n could feel the uneasiness inside your gut, Y/n then remembered that there was a test today.

The door soon got a knock on the door then someone came in. Y/n started to blush a little when Y/n saw who was at the door.

The teacher said, "Hello Douma, nice to meet you and introduce yourself to your classmate."
Douma looked right at y/n and smiled saying, "hello my name is Douma and i hope to achieve being your friend."

The Teacher then asked Douma to sit anywhere he wanted. Douma sat in the seat that was empty right next to you.

Y/n felt more unease when he sat down next to Y/n. He then said, "You're pretty, what's your name?"

Y/n then quietly said "My name is y/n."
Douma then says, "Your name sounds like an angel."

Y/n blushed a little and felt a warm feeling in your heart.

After class ended, it was time for lunch.
Douma went to talk to you but a whole bunch of girls went to him admiring his eyes.

Y/n felt anger but sadness at the same time. She wishes to be as pretty as the other girls.

As Y/n went for lunch at the cafeteria, Y/n got her food and went to the rooftop to eat there.

Douma found Y/n and sat across y/n. Y/n asked Douma, "why are you here and not in the cafeteria." Douma then said, "Someone told me that you were here and I wanted to talk to you."

"What did you want to talk about?" Said y/n. Douma says, "I want to get to know you and be your friend."

Y/n and Douma talked for 30 minutes to get to know each other they felt close together. As soon as Douma left Y/n felt lonely again.

After school Y/n was walking home from school, Douma saw her walking and he went to her and started walking with her.

Douma asked "Do you walk to school too?

Y/n replied, "My mom or dad take me to school in the morning and after school I walk home after school.

They chatted for a bit and then they said, "goodbye" to each other. Y/n went to get ready for tomorrow.

After she did that she did her homework and went to sleep.

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