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Hey guys since last chapter was eight years of training I skipped 5 more years so 13 years after the betrayal and let me tell you thing are gonna get better from here. and also since ash is half arceus he has a streak of white hair, plus he has like this scar across his left eye 

After 5 more years Ash and Lillie got married and has a wonderful son named James, and Midnight and Nightshade had A daughter  which is a  froakie with psychic powers, Ash has been keeping tabs on his former friends, and when ash dropped his hat with his blood on it the police found it and he was proclaimed dead, and of  course the traitors were happy, all except 1.... Pikachu he was sad , no he was devastated, the thing is pikachu didn't betray ash when pikachu went home before ash he wanted to surprise him but Delia put him in his pokeball so for the rest of the betrayal he was there he managed to break out after 2 hours.

Present Time

Ash POV:

So Midnight its been 13 years huh, wow time flies 

Midnight: yeah It hurts doesn't it

yeah it hurts but its time, Time for the fun to begin

Midnight: I know that look, the application that you sent Charles was approved

yes of course now I told him the league would start in 2 weeks and I told him to Invite the traitors.

Midnight: How old are you cause your face hasn't changed much 

Midnight that was rude, and im only 25 

Midnight: 25?, we've been here for 13 years how are you only 25?

Well being half arceus grants me eternal youth and my body stops aging when I reach 25, that's why dad looks so young,

Midnight: that explains it but what about me am I gonna die.

No, you wont die until the bond is broken,you,  my family, and my most loyal Pokemon wont die.

Midnight: that's a relief

Yeah can tell you were worried about dying *sarcastically*

Traitors POV:

At the Ketchum residence

Max: Hey guys did you get an Invitation to the Royal league

Misty: yeah we all did

Serena: the champion looks so handsome, I want to marry him *daydreaming*

Brock: I heard He's tough

Max: He's no match for me

Cilan: uhmm guys there is a disclaimer on the bottom of the invitation 

May: what does it say 

Cilan: let me see.. It says 

Disclaimer: All pokemon will be Inspected for drugs by the Royal guard If your pokemon has traces of drugs in them you will be sent to jail

-The Rota champion

Clemont: oh well guess were not using drugs for the tournament but we will still beat that champion. *filled with pride*

Alola gang: yeah, but I think Lillie is still looking for her dad cause we haven't heard from her for 13 years

Bonnie: what about his brother gladion was it?

Mallow: yeah we haven't seen him yet 

Kiawe: well since that weakling has been declared dead professor kukui placed a new champion in alola, and no one dares to challenge the champion.

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