Version 1

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Here's the first version. It's...somethin lol. Like I like it but it's just that it's so much more different from the final version. 


Her mind was spinning from the onslaught of new information, Marsai taking an absentminded step back from Riki. How had their meetup at his house to work on their class project turned into...this? She lets out an incredulous laugh, shaking her head. This was just Riki being a shithead again. Right, that's what all of this is about. It's the only thing that comes close to making sense right now because out of all the ludicrous things that had just left his mouth, her being the reincarnation of his deceased girlfriend Rita had to be the most ridiculous thing she'll ever hear in her life with Riki actually being a vampire being a close second.

"So if you're done fuckin' with me, can we get back to our project?" Marsai says, hoping by the tone of her voice that she was making it clear just how unamused she was with his lies.

She raises an eyebrow as she watches her blonde classmate nod his head as if affirming something, eyes following him as he walks into the kitchen. When he emerges from the kitchen seconds later, he's holding a knife, the sight of the utensil making Marsai tense up. W-Why on earth had he brought back a knife of all things?

"Sorry, but you didn't leave me with much of a choice," Riki says, sounding anything but sorry.

Marsai doesn't stand in her confusion for long, sheer horror replacing her confusion as she watches as Riki raises the knife up before swiftly bringing it down against the flesh of his forearm, blood gushing out of the wound and dripping down onto the carpeted floor.

"Are you out of your fuckin' mind!?"

Before Marsai can rush the boy and snatch the knife from his grasp so he can do himself no more bodily harm, the impossible happened before her eyes. Her mouth parts in befuddlement at the sight of Riki's wound slowly closing up until the flesh where the gash had been was no more. Marsai stood stock still, trying to will herself into doubting what her eyes had just seen, trying to come up with an explanation that would make what she'd seen a mere figment of her imagination or trick of the light and coming up with nothing. A dream! Yes, this was all some weird ass dream and she would wake up as soon as she pinched herself. Taking some skin between her fingers, the girl pinches herself. She can only blink in disbelief when the faint flash of pain doesn't give her the end result she'd wanted, Riki still staring at her, her conscious body still in his living room and not tucked into the warm, familiar sheets of her bed. Dear god...

Riki smirks, more than enjoying the stupid look on her face. Hm, maybe getting blood on the carpet wasn't so bad after all. "Now do you believe me?"

She blinks, still so overwhelmed with disbelief and shock that she can't even remember when she'd moved her body to the kitchen. She stares at Riki, his back to her as he stood at the sink, the sound of running water tickling her ears. Riki, the same Riki who had made it his daily mission to be a nuisance to her, the same Riki with an attitude as bad as his grades, the same Riki who seemed to do nothing but confuse her emotionally these days is...a vampire.

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