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'Welp, you've done it. You finally moved out of your annoying roommates' house.' I thought to myself proudly, I'm moving to Hurricane, Utah. I couldn't wait to see the rocky mountains, the wonderful grassy fields. It's like a dream come true!

As I got off the plane a large cheesy smile pasted across my freckled cheeks. I called an Uber to get me and take me to my new apartment. I got an apartment at Sand Hallow Resort (it's a real place in Utah, look it up).

The Uber came and picked me up, "are you (name)?" I nodded and got in. "Where to?" The driver looked in the rearview mirror. "Oh, uh, Sand Hallow Resort.." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. He nodded and drove me to my destination.

I got my suitcases out of the trunk and waved goodbye, leaving a 20$ tip. I watched as he smiled widely. I couldn't help but giggle. I walked to my apartment. Room 404 (my favorite number 😇). I walked in and dropped my bags on the floor. "Ack, I'll look for jobs tomorrow." I groan with a yawn. I dragged my clothing suitcase to my bedroom. And faceplanted down onto the bed, I rolled over and curled up into the sheets. I put my phone on the charger, and drifted off to a deep sleep.

"WAKE UP DAMNIT" my alarm said. Funny story about that, it's actually my mom's voice. I asked her to make that for me. (Lol broke the fourth wall-) I groaned and turned it off. I yawned and stretched. 'crack' "ACK- my back-!" I wheezed out. "I'm only 19 why is my back like a fucking old man's" I whined. I stood up and twisted my body to the left 'pop' then to the right 'pop' then back 'pop' then forward 'cccrrraaaccckk' "Ah~ that's the stuff~" I breathed out. I got dressed, wearing an oversized (fav color) hoodie, and a pair of ripped blue jeans, I wore a black beanie and a pair of high tops. I looked myself up and down, doing the catcall whistle. "Looking fire baby~!" I pointed finger guns at my reflection.

I went down to the lobby of my apartment. There was a newspaper. "Ew old people things-" I mumbled picking it up. "NOW HIRING WAITER/BUS PERSON FOR FREDDY FAZBEARS PIZZARIA! CALL 1-800-FAZBEAR TODAY!" read a article at the top of the newspaper. "Fazbear pizzaria hm?" I raised a brow. "Well I do love pizza-" I considered. I pulled my phone out and called the number.

"Hello, fazbears, how many I be of service to you?" A females voice rang. "Hi, I found the news article about the waiter and bus person application. I'd like to apply if it's still available." I said staring at the newspaper. "Oh how great! Yes! Our location is down Low lane! See you soon, oh by the way, could I get your name sir?" She finished. "Oh, (name) ma'am."
"See you soon!" She said before hanging up.

I called another Uber to come get me. About 20 minutes went by and their signature black car awaited Infront of my apartment. "(Name)?" I nodded and got in. "Where to?" He sighed. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, please." I breathed. He nodded and drove.

'hm, it's not as far as I thought, I could potentially walk to work if I get this job..' I thought to myself as we arrived. "Here's a tip, have a good day sir." I thanked handing the driver 10$ he smiled a bit. I took a deep breath and walked inside. 'who is that..' I thought in awe, a man, purple hair in a low ponytail, purple top and black pants. I snapped out of my thoughts when I woman stood Infront of me. "Hi! Are you (Name)?" She smiled cheerfully. I nodded. "C'mon I'll take you to my boss for an interview!" She was overly cheerful. I found it kind of adorable. "Boss! Someone wants an interview!" She pushed me to thean I was staring at earlier. My face flushed a light pink. "Why ello there!" He smiled. 'OH MY GOD HES A BRIT-' my face flushed deeper. "Hello-" I gulped.

"Let's go to my office to start the interview shall we?" He asked, I nodded. 'holy shit..no no no he's probably going to be my boss I can't be thinking like this...but he's just..wow..' I thought to myself. "Come on in love! Sit down right there and we'll get started!" He smiled, his smile had a sadistic kind of look to it. I shrugged it off and sat down. "So, (name), why do you want to work here?" He asked putting his hands together and placing them on his desk.

"Well, I'm going to be completely honest. I need money. I just moved here and this was the first job I found." I confessed. "I see, well, you don't really need experience with waiting tables or being a bus boy in this case, tell my (name) are you good at faking a smile?" He laughed at the last part. I nodded. "It's all in the eyes sir!" I playfully winked at him. He chuckled. "True."

"Well, I suppose your hired! Welcome to the family." He smiled again. I shook his hand.

*Will POV*
Damn, he's a really fine boy, quite funny too, I wonder what else I could do with him. I smiled at that thought. I hired the boy and told him he'd start tomorrow. He walked out of my office, the way his hips swung as he walked looked so feminine. I sighed, I started humming the tune of "Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows" it's was one of my favorite songs.

*(Name) POV*
I went home and turned on a movie. 'migjt as well try to get enough sleep, I gotta be there at 9am..' I thought to myself. I felt my eyes get heavy and my breath start to slow down, I collapsed over and feel asleep onto the couch.

~Strange Love~ William Afton x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now