🍒1🍒- The new boy

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Intro: HI GUYS! :'), So basically this is my first time writing, im really nervous about this one so i was hoping if you guys can support this story, i found myself bored so i wrote this, i have read too many books but none of them are related to this story, it's my own imagination, my own little fantasy
And english is not my first language so i will apologize in advance if you read some wrong grammars a

So let me introduce you my fictional characters

Taehyun- he's a cold hearted on the outside, but soft in the inside, no one dared to flirt with him, because if some girls flirt with him, he would just reject and bully the heck out of them, he is not that bad but he just finds them annoying.

Beomgyu- he's a very nice and caring student, he's a softie but also stubborn to his brother, he's friendly, he hated to be close with girls he avoids them, not even allowing to lay a finger on his skin. He had a dark and deep past of his childhood, he can't really remember what happened because he wanted to forget his past so he can move on and start a new life in seoul

Yeonjun- A very flirty guy, always finds his dad jokes to be funny which is lame, he likes soobin alot, annoying

Soobin- beomgyu's bestie, he likes clinging around with beomgyu, dumb sometimes, whipped for beomgyu but sometimes annoying, he has a crush on yeonjun since elementary days lmao soobin just confess to him u coward

Heuning kai- A very annoying dolphin, loves messing around with his hyungs, has a plushie addiction and he loves to prank with his hyungs
A troublemaker

Also i forgot to mention their ages

Yeonjun- 18
Soobin- 18 3 months younger than yeonjun
Beomgyu- 17
Taehyun- 17 5 months younger
Hyuka- 16

Also there will be side characters but i won't introduce them right now...

Sunlight striking my face which made my cheeks red and heated, fresh cold air entering my window which makes me more comfortable in bed
Sunlight hitting my cherry red hair which cause it shining bright red
But too bad rest time is over because i have to start my day, i opened my eyes rubbing them and i began to stretch my limbs, it makes me feel more relaxed i got up and starting making my bed, after that i made my way to the bathroom to shower my lazy body to feel more active and fresh, my attention goes to my phone because of vibrating for notifications, i quickly opened it and i gained more followers on instagram, it's not really that important for me so i just let it be.
I started changing to my uniform and a little bit of spray of a vanilla perfume which smells sweet and delicious at the same time. I started packing my notebooks and some few things that i wanted to take with me, but i noticed that my pen is nowhere to be found, i scratched my nape because of annoyance, i can't find it so i just rushed out of my room and ask if i can borrow my brother's pen

"Oh taehyun come and eat your breakfast while it's still hot"
I nodded
Akward silence is filled the dining room but not until taehyun decided to break it
"Hyung, can i borrow umm a pen? If you have duplicates, i kinda lost it.
"Sure but don't lose this too got it?"
I nodded

Some few minutes have passed as the silence remained the same
I quickly got up and after i washed my dishes, i bid my goodbye to my brother while walking out of the door

I rushed out of the house and headed to the bus stop
Few minutes have passed and the bus came.....
I quicky got in the bus, akward silence is filled the bus but not until a pretty cute boy bumped into me.
"Oh my gosh im so s-sorry are you okay?"
He asked worriedly
"Yes im okay" i replied staying calm and cool
Once i saw his face, gosh he looks so worried when it's him the one who bumped to my chest
He then go to his seat on the bus

~Time skip~
The bus stopped infront of our school . I got off the bus and started making my way to the front gate of the school
"Ouch!" Yeonjun hyung bumped into me
He's so clumsy and childish like a little kid
"Not my fault get lost" i tried to remain cool
"No goodmorning?, Pfft cold like ice"
I ignored him and started making my way to my classroom as yeonjun hyung continues to annoy the heck out of me. The girls are now gossiping about me, this happens every morning like every fucking morning which ruins my day
"Why do you seem annoyed taehyunnie?"
"godd will you stop calling me that weird ass nickname?" I said yelling but not that loud
"But your still a kiddo and tiny"
" The fuc-" i was cutted off by someone
A boy comes closer to us and waved
"Hi guys" he said smiling widely while showing his big cute dimples
I found yeonjun staring at that boy deeply, i waved my hand at him i slapped his shoulder i yelled at him i had enough so i ripped his hair not that many lmao
"You aren't responding to me so i did what i did, next time don't bleach your hair for so many times" i rolled my eyes
The boy remained quiet and said goodbye
"Wait don't go yet" yeonjun said
"Why?" The boy asked confusingly
"May i know your name?"
"Oww oh yeah uh my name is s-soobin" he's blushing i can tell.

I left them two and made my way to the classroom and seated, i pulled my airpods and started listening to IU sunbaenim's 'CELEBERTY'

The Teacher came so early
That i didn't even get to finish the whole damn song
I put my airpods inside my bad and now turned my attention to the teacher
The teacher spoke
"Class we are having a new transferry student in our class, so please be nice and welcome him, mr choi? Please introduce yourself"

"H-hi im b-beomgyu, i mean uh choi beomgyu! But you can call me beomgyu and let's be f-friends" he said shyly that make the students go in awe
"Wait isn't that the boy who bumped into me?" I whispered to myself
The Teacher saw a empty seat beside Yeonjun which made yeonjun confused and now he get it why the teacher's staring at him
"Maam? Where will i seat?"
"Oh i forgot my bad, there's a seat beside yeonjun and you can sit there"

Beomgyu's Pov
I slowly walked and a student waved his hand to show that he is yeonjun
I sighed in relief
And i seated beside him, as the teacher continue to talk and explain the topic for todays lesson, yeonjun didn't care about the lesson so he talked to me trying to make me as his friend
"Hi beomgyu right?" He smiled widely
"Oh hi and uh yes im beomgyu call me gyu if you want to shorten my name" i smiled back"
"Aww cute, do you want to join us at the cafeteria? So they can know more about you gyu~"
"I would love to! Thanks for inviting me" i smiled at him once again then turn my attention to the teacher explaining

I'll update later? Or maybe tomorrow? I don't know because i will be having class later, but I'll try to do my best and continue this :)))
I love y'all, lmao it's not like alot of you are reading this, stay safe y'all don't skip your meals byee~~

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