🍒14🍒 Confess?

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"oh taehyun, i didn't expect you to come since you didn't like going out that much huh?" Yeonjun said with a confused expression

"Im okay with it hyung, besides i wanted to spend time with my friends too" taehyun responded

"Umm can you guys excuse gyu and me?, I have something to tell to him"
Soobin asked wanting permission and privacy for the both of them

"Sure, but don't make us wait here"
Yeonjun said

Soobin hummed in response, and with that he grabs beomgyu's wrist that made beomgyu flinch from the sudden action from his hyung...

The two watch the two figures slowly fading at their sight

Now they were both alone

Soobin wants help from beomgyu

Wondering what kind of help that soobin wants to make himself pleased?

Well, you see soobin got a big fat crush on yeonjun, i forgot to mention that yeonjun is actually really close to beomgyu these days which made him think they are already 'best friends' so soobin thought of beomgyu helping him to 'confess to yeonjun, little did soobin knows that yeonjun felt the same way like what he's experiencing right now but of course yeonjun had fallen for him deeper, yeonjun didn't know that soobin had started to develop feelings for him, yeonjun had hope that someday, soobin or him will confess....
And yeonjun would be really happy if soobin likes him, if yeonjun can confess now but he's just too scared that he might lose soobin because of his feelings, he decided to ignore his feelings for soobin but couldn't since he really loves soobin, even at the first day they met, soobin caught his attention at the first place. But when a student transferred which is beomgyu, yeonjun starts to overthink because of the closeness between the two, soobin will give all of this time just for beomgyu and him to talk, instead of talking with yeonjun like they would always do, but it never happened again, yeonjun couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't help but to let all of his tears out of his glossy eyes, he doesn't hate gyu, he actually liked gyu from the beginning, beomgyu was kind, cheerful, a loving boy, a little brother for him to have, yeonjun never experienced having a brother on his side so he was glad that he have gyu all along, he can't be mad at gyu just because of the stupid feelings yeonjun had developed, he can hate himself if he hurt gyu, i mean who would hurt this little boy?, He had a hard time thinking about the confession he is planning, soobin was planning a confession too, and beomgyu seemed to notice that soobin and yeonjun are not talking with eachother these days, not having an interest to start a conversation with each other, it's not because they wanted to ignore their feelings, it's just difficult for them to face eachother not knowing they liked eachother, what beomgyu was waiting, is that one of them will confess to eachother and stop this crisis..


Beomgyu didn't respond, instead he gave him a look to continue the dots on his word

"Can you help me?" His hyung has full of hope that gyu can help him with his stressful problem

The younger nodded

Soobin wants to end this suffering now, he wants yeonjun to be 'his' now, he wants yeonjun to know that he likes him..

"I want to confess to yeonjun, but i don't know how, that's my problem"

"You know, I haven't gotten into this situation yet but I'll try my best to help you out hyung" beomgyu said

Soobin was clearly happy to have beomgyu in his life

"Hyung listen"

soobin did as he was told

"Be close to him, try to treat him the way you wanted to be treated, be clingy with him! And ofcourse act sweet and lovingly infront of him, once you guys are comfortable with eachother, you can invite him on a date then you can confess to him!, And remember, you have to make him fall for you even deeper, before you confess, you have to think of what you have to say about him, ofcourse you have to make it heartfelt, to make him fall for you even more!"

Soobin froze at his spot, he was thinking of those stuff of what beomgyu just said, it can be akward while confessing

"Wouldn't you think it can be akward?" Soobin came back to reality

"It can't be if you love that person, it can't be akward for the both of you.

"So are you telling me if it's akward does it means I don't love that person?"

"Hyung really, no matter how much you love yeonjun, you can't feel the awkwardness between you two, it shows how yeonjun really meant alot for you" beomgyu tried to explain

"Ofcourse it can be akward cuz it's my first time" soobin rolled his eyes

"Whatever you say hyung you're so annoying"

"You are too" soobin argued back

"Wow im fucking helping you right now and you'll just say im annoying instead of being grateful for helping you?!"

"You have to shut up right now beomgyu"

"Whatever im literally trying to help you right now"

"Ok ok but what if he rejects me?!"

"He can't reject you, but im not sure about that, and also i have a hope that he will not" beomgyu said

Soobin sighed in relief

"Let's just see and wait till the day comes ok?" Gyu said comforting him

Soobin was lost in his thoughts

"Hyung we have to go back"

Soobin nodded

Once they reached taehyun and yeonjun, The two of them made a disappointed look

Soobin and gyu just gave them a nervous laugh

"Why were you tw-

"Let's go?, And anyways it was nothing, i just can't resist soobin hyung's cuteness" Beomgyu made an excuse

"Oh gyu, don't try to change the subject" yeonjun smirked

Taehyun can clearly tell that he was lying so why not tease beomgyu a bit?

Taehyun doesn't know what they talked about and decided to act like he knew what they talked about

"Do you guys have a secret?, Tell us we're not a speaker" Taehyun smirked

Yeonjun nodded his head in approval

"Are we just going to stay here?" Soobin complained

Yeonjun smirked then he wraps his arms over his shoulder making soobin blush and ofcourse the older noticed the pink blush on his cheeks

Yeonjun pov
Not gonna lie, he was pretty cute

End of this pov

Helppp im tired I need some sleep

Byeee and u little fuckers
Vote for this😡🤭
Not forcing u though but if you do i would really appreciate it! And ofc i care for you so don't skip your meals that's all goodnight/Goodmorning


1203 words

Ofcourse if they finally get together i will focus on taegyu from now on😘
But will beomgyu end up with taehyun?🤨🤨

You'll find out 😚
I have to stop now bye

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