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"Heyyyy" the annoying voice said
"Heyyy" "Heyyy" "Heyyy" "Heyyy"

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP!?" the girl screamed in anger, "That's no way to talk to your mother you brat" my mother said as she flicked her finger in my nose.

"Hey! thats hurts you hag"i said in anger "Well if you didn't drink that much alcohol when you were gambling with Yami then you wouldn't be here having a hangover" she lectured.

"Well whatever, get up you brat you need to go to the Magic Knights Entrance Exam."my mother said, but before i could speak i realized that i left my wallet"Well shit" "Shit what? you wanna take a dump or what?".

"Yes yes yes" i said as i stood up and went to the bathroom to change "Listen mom i promise i will come back in time for the Magic Knights Entrance exam so please calm down"

I heard my mom sigh from the side of the door, 'Im so sorry mom, i will try and be better' i thought, ever since dad's death mom's been meaner to everyone and me, deep down i know she's trying her best to be kind and nice so i do it for her, but trying to be nice to arrogant and narcissistic nobles has been hitting my every will to be nice.

~After changing in the bathroom~

"Bye bye mom, i will be back for the magic knight exam"i said as i bid goodbye. Oh wait i forgot to introduce myself, well hello my name is Charline yeah i know its a very nobley name but my mom said before giving birth to me she had another child, she dead right after being brought to this world tho and her name was Charline so she gave the name to me. Was i happy for the name? i dont know, being a gambler has already shamed my mom's will to live but she still accepted me. I'm happy that she accepted me but i should get going now, i dont wanna talk to strangers through a pixel screen.

~After walking for a minute and a half..i think?~

'Just great', as i stood there in front of the bar there stood a arrogant and fat noble. Just great.

"Hello sir" i said politely and lucky enough he noticed me "Hi" wow how polite and nice of a response, "What do you want you commoner" he said with a cold tone "Well i forgot something in the bar your currently standing behind" i said with a smile "Well you see theres currently something happening inside so if you dont want to die then please come back for your 'sOmEtHiNg' next time." he said with a colder tone, oh and is that a irk mark?

"Oh, well im come back later then, take care...fat man" i whispered the last part, but well well he heard me "Excuse me!? How dare you call me that name you insolent brat!" he screamed in anger 'oh wow what a bad temper' i thought, and then i remembered something there was a rumor going around that he was abusive to his family and wife.

"Well atleast i dont abuse my family and wife."

"YOU INSOLENT BRATTTT" he screamed in anger, he soon pulled out his grimoire "Wine Magic: Wine Roll!" he shot his wine bottle right at me but "Gambling Magic: Gamblers Dice!" my magic soon summoned a big dice that rolled and sucked his magic, "W-what!? H-How!? How can a commoner like you can have a s-strong magic!?"

"Well i dont know" i sassed at him "Youuu, just you wait i will murder you and your family!" He said as he ran away 'How can a noble ran away from a fight? arent they more stonger then us?' i asked myself but oh well i soon ran inside the bar and looked for my wallet. 'Oh i found it!' i soon try to see if i lost any money but i still have the coins.

'Oh shoot! i forgot the Entrance Exam, Fucckkk' i cursed at myself as i soon naruto run to the entrance

The girl who was currently running to the entrance had white hair white as snow in a winter day, eyes that shined pinker then a gem, face smooth like a baby's skin, lips plumer then fruits, skin pale like a swan. What people who have said to see her as, Beautiful.

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Gambler's Luck || Nozel Silva Where stories live. Discover now