==> Name! <==

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Hello, hello!
Pull up a number generator because you're gonna be needing it a lot!

Roll a random number for you prefix; 1-20
1. Snow-
2. Juniper-
3. Cloud-
4. Frog-
5. Light-
6. Stone-
7. Night-
8. Leaf-
9. Bracken-
10. Quiet-
11. Cricket-
12. Ant-
13. Little-
14. Robin-
15. Bird-
16. Feather-
17. Pigeon-
18. Stream-
19. Sorrel-
20. You get to pick from the names above!!!

Now roll a random number for your suffix; 1-20
1. -tail
2. -foot
3. -claw
4. -wind
5. -nose
6. -heart
7. -tooth
8. -shine
9. -flight
10. -song
11. -pelt
12. -fur
13. -spring
14. -leap
15. -watcher
16. -shadow
17. -shade
18. -whisper
19. -whisker
20. You get to pick from the names above!!!

So far, I'm Frogshine! What about you guys?

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