"Trapped." (Andy x Reader.)

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💚❤(oh wait, those are andys colors, funny)
Requested by P-P1lls

You and Andy were both stuck in his barn. You both knew how it had happened, your crappy friends obviously, but you both didn't know what to do. "We should probably find a light, I think I left a lantern around here somewhere." The apple said.

"Alright, I'll help you look." You said as you walked around, feeling around in the dark, searching for the lantern. "Oh, I found it!" You said as you picked up something that was probably a lantern. "Good! Now there's probably something on the bottom that holds matches to light it, here, let me see."

You gave him the lantern. You wondered what you would even do here, it was nothing but darkness and the smell of apples and hay. The smell of burning wood caught your attention as you turned around and saw Andy's face illuminated by the flame of the match.

He lit the lantern and you both walked throughout the barn, not realizing that the barn seemed longer then it should've been. You both walked until eventually you saw light up ahead. Wondering what was causing it, you both speed walked towards it, hoping it was a way outside.

"Oh, hiya, I'm Peter the Pumpkin!" A tall figure said as he came out of the shadows. "Wait, who are you?" Andy said to him. You were about to ask the same question but he beat you too it. "You wanna play a game of tag?" Peter said to the both of you.

"No, were just looking for his keys." You said as you glanced at Andy. "Okay! Right this way to the haystack maze!" The pumpkin said as he grabbed onto your hand and led you to the haystack maze. You were about to use your other hand to pry Peters hand off of yours when you realized you were holding Andy's hand.

Your face turned red as you looked at Andy, his face was turned away from yours but you could tell he was flustered. After you got to the haystack maze you played tag with the strange pumpkin and managed to catch him before he collected all the pumpkins.

The last thing you heard before the lights went out was the chilling voice of Peter saying, "you're it." The only light was coming from the lantern in Andy's hand. You both walked through the maze before getting separated by a wave of hay.

You decided it'd be best to not call out for him just in case Peter heard you. You walked through the maze with barely any light before you heard loud footsteps coming toward you. You thought it was Andy before you realized the footsteps were running.

You ran, knowing it was Peter before hitting a dead end. You were cornered, this was the end. You closed your eyes as you heard Andy scream your name and a sharp pain go through you as you were hit by an axe. Peter smiled and disappeared but not before he said, "I win."

The last thing you felt was a tear hit your face as Andy held you and cried as your vision faded to nothing.

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