Flying lessons

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Harry's POV ~

Flying lessons would be starting on Thursday — and Hupplepuff and Slytherin would be learning together. The notice pinned in Hupplepuff common room said

I was looking forward to the lessons, Edzzy had taught me how to fly over the summer and I was surprised to know that I was a natural.

Neville had never been on a broomstick in his life because his grandmother had never let him near one. Privately, I felt she'd had good reason because Neville managed to have an extraordinary number of accidents even with both feet on the ground, No offense.

After the letter Azz sent me, Azz'zs owl was always bringing me packages of sweets from home

A barn owl brought Neville a small package from his grandmother. He opened it excitedly and showed them a glass ball the size of a large marble, which seemed to be full of white smoke.

"It's a Remembrall!" he explained. "Gran knows I forget things — this tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do. Look, you hold it tight like this, and if it turns red — oh..." His face fell, because the Remembrall had suddenly glowed scarlet, "... you've forgotten something..."

I think that the rememberal is useless Seriously if a person forgets something, then in most cases, the person remembers that they forgot something. And Even if they didn't, what use was the rememberal if it didn't tell you what you were forgetting. I just didn't see any logic in it

Neville was trying to remember what he'd forgotten when Ron, who was passing the Hupplepuff table, snatched the Remembrall out of his hand.

" Look everyone Neville's got a remembral who even uses remembral these days they went out of fashion decades ago "

" Are you a kleptomaniac Wesley?" I said while applying butter to the bread

" Kleptomaniac? " he asked

" A person with the inability to resist urges to steal items that the person generally don't need and that usually have little value."

" Are you calling me a thief potter! " He roared.

" No of course not, I wouldn't accuse you of such a crime though I'm simply implying that you seem to have issues "

" I'm not mad potter and who even asked you to interfere " he scowled.

" As a friend, I'm simply defending Neville "

" You are a Griffindoor Potter, you should be friends with Griffindoors and not with weak Hupplepuffs like Neville," Wesley said.

" it's Longbottom to you and Hupplepuffs are not weak," Neville said and I was proud of him.

" And Wesley If my uniform doesn't tell you my house then I don't know what will ."

" YO-"

" What's going on here " the could voice of Snape rang as he neared the Puff table.

" Nothing professor," Wesley said.

" He took my remembral !" Neville accused.

" Mr.Wesley 20 points from griffindoor and detention at 7'O clock"


At three-thirty that afternoon, I and Neville and other Hupplepuffs hurried down the front steps onto the grounds for our first flying lesson. It was a clear, breezy day, and the grass rippled under our feet as we marched down the sloping lawns toward a smooth, flat lawn on the opposite side of the grounds to the forbidden forest, whose trees were swaying darkly in the distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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