𝐕. The many quirks of Chou Hyunjin (as observed by ryujin and heejin)

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#1. Hyunjin really likes bread.

That was a fact that Heejin and Ryujin observed immediately. Whenever Hyunjin had introduced herself to someone, she'd never fail to include about her love for bread. Ryujin thinks it's weird. Heejin thinks it's kind of cute. Regardless Hyunjin's bread addiction is something known to the entire school. And everyone knows to NEVER mess with her bread.

Especially after that one incident where Hyunjin barked and hissed at someone who tried to get a bite. (That someone being Ryujin)

However, to the surprise of everyone INCLUDING her siblings, Hyunjin apparently likes Heejin enough to give her a piece of her bread without making a fuss. Whenever Heejin would ask for a bite Hyunjin would happily let her. Her siblings had teased Hyunjin endlessly about it and so did her mothers when they caught wind of it too. Ryujin was a bit offended by it but she shrugged it off and ended up teasing Hyunijn about it too.

"So you bark at me when I ask for a bite of your bread but not when Heejin does it? Gay."

"...shut the fuck up or I'll kill you."


#2. She is a good model student (despite some of her weird habits).

Hyunjin is quite intelligent. Scratch that, she is VERY intelligent. The top of her grade, always getting first on rankings, very active in class? These qualities made Hyunjin the ideal student in the eyes of their teachers. She made be a bit.....eccentric but overall she was a great student. She is punctual, never late to a single class –like seriously! She is also very diligent. Hyunjin always does her homework and projects in advance so she wouldn't have to worry about it later. Not to mention she is also quite athletic.

Her siblings are the same. Minju and Jeongin who go to the same school (with Hyunjin!) are constantly fighting over the top spot of their grade level.

Heejin wonders what the hell are their parents feeding their children and where can she get some of that.

Ryujin wonders the same.


#3. She is alarmingly very good at fighting.

When Hyunjin had flipped their PE teacher (who was half her size!) over her shoulder without breaking a sweat, Heejin had swooned. Ryujin remembers that day vividly —well mostly because Heejin had kept gushing about it— and she'd never forget the feeling of awe and slight fear she had felt while witnessing that moment. Heejin thinks it was awesome and admittedly quite hot. However they are also quite curious about where Hyunjin had learned that from. She never really gave them a clear answer and Ryujin is convinced that she's secretly a robot.

Of course, that wasn't the only case where Hyunjin had shown off her skills. There was one time when Hyunjin had defeated a gang of delinquents with her bare hands. Heejin had found the girl sitting on top of a pile of unconscious bodies. Apparently the gang had been bullying a bunch of students so Hyunjin had enough and dealt with them. Despite that generally being a good thing, Hyunjin had actually gotten in more trouble than she was supposed to over it (because apparently the leader of the delinquents was the principal's son). Nobody knows what actually happened after that, except for the fact that the principal somehow got replaced and his son was expelled.

When asked about it, Hyunjin merely gave an innocent smile and said, "They've been dealt with, that's all you need to know."

(Sana may have pulled a few strings to get that to happen. She was quite proud of Hyunjin and angry at the principal and his son during that incident.)

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