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"...Why are you crying?"

Ryan has dealt with murderous intentions before. He has dealt with sarcasm. He has dealt with hatred. He has dealt with many misfortunes.

But he was not ready to deal with a crying Allen. 

Can you imagine his surprise when he found Allen sobbing under a table in the library? The boy was shaking.

At first, Ryan was sure that he was mistaken. Allen Coldwell? Crying? Yeah right, like that was ever gonna happen. 

But it was happening and Ryan was so confused. What was he supposed to do? How did he comfort Allen? Why did he even want to comfort Allen? This was none of his business.

They were acquaintances. Not friends. Not in Ryan's eyes, anyway. Ryan had always felt that he was working with Allen and Azruelle because they shared similar interests (A.K.A. saving the world). 

So then why was he crouching down and asking Allen about his condition? Why did his conscience tell him that this was wrong, that Allen crying was wrong, that he should be a sarcastic little shit and insult Ryan instead of being so sad? So genuinely heartbroken? So...vulnerable?

"Hey, gremlin, are you okay?" he tried again when Allen didn't respond.

Allen stopped sobbing and looked up at him as if he just realized that someone was in front of him.

"Ryan...?" Allen's voice came out as a whisper, completely different from his usual sassy tone. "Since when have you been here?" his voice cracked a bit.

"A few minutes," Ryan replied.

They stared at each other for a few minutes and Ryan took in Allen's state. He looked disheveled and his eyes were puffy and red from crying.

Suddenly Ryan felt like an asshole. Why did he ask Allen if he was okay? He was obviously not!

Ryan was not used to this. He was starting to feel more awkward than anything else. Also maybe a bit of concern. Just a tiiiiiiiiny bit.

"I...should probably go. Classes will start in 15 minutes." Allen said, crawling out from under the table and standing up. He started making his way towards the library's door and Ryan grabbed his wrist out of instinct. Allen looked down at his hand, then back at Ryan. Suddenly, Ryan started regretting acting on his gut instinct but he wasn't about to back down now.

"Do you...um...do you want to maybe...talk about it?" He asked awkwardly. Damn smooth, Ryan, damn smooth.


"Oh. Okay."


"So...are you going to let go, or...?" Allen asked.

"Oh, right- Sorry-" Ryan let go of his hand.

Allen started walking towards the library door again when Ryan called out, "Wait!" Allen turned around and lifted one eyebrow. How does he do that? It's so difficult to raise just one eyebrow.

"Um...if you change your mind about talking it out, I'm always ready to hear you out, okay?" he said.

Allen was genuinely shocked. "You don't need to keep up the act around me, you know? You don't have to fake the concern," he said, not sure if he was hearing things.

Ryan felt offended. "It's not an act."

"...Who are you and what have you done to Ryan Sullivan?"

"No, who are you and what have you done to my gremlin?"

Allen huffed, "For your information, I have always been like this. You just didn't know. Also, what do you mean your gremlin?"

"I mean the sarcastic little piece of shit I know." I don't actually mean that. "You're important to the plan to save the damned world, gremlin. I'm not about to lose one of my assets." I care. More than I'd like to admit.

"...Yeah, sure," Allen replied. "I think I'll just head to class now, but thanks for the offer."

Allen didn't think Ryan genuinely cared. Ryan didn't think he genuinely cared, either. But he did. And he didn't want to let Allen go just yet. But Allen didn't feel comfortable with sharing his reason for crying and Ryan didn't want to force him to tell him.

"The offer still holds, you know. We can still talk about it." Ryan tried again.

"No thank you. It's a dumb reason and I'm pretty sure you'll just taunt me about it later-"

"Damn right I will." I would never do that. I have morals, idiot.

"Right. Also, you make me uncomfortable. And I don't like you. At all. So I really don't want to open up about it to you." Allen continued.

Ryan's chest constricted. It stung. It really did. This was karma for being two-faced to Allen for so many years. Now he wouldn't trust him. Of course he wouldn't.

"Okay, but don't cry. It makes you look dumb. Just be sarcastic like you usually are and be done with it," he said.

Allen snorted. "Yeah, sure." He turned to the exit (again).

Ryan didn't feel like letting him go. Not yet. Just a little longer.

What happened next would shock both of them and later they would agree never to talk about it again.

Ryan hugged Allen from behind.

He didn't know why. He just did. It surprised him as much as it surprised Allen, who had turned stiff from the contact. Then he relaxed and leaned back into Ryan. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"...Nothing. I'm not doing anything. This never happened, okay?" Ryan replied, starting to let go. Allen turned around and hugged him back. Very tightly. As if he felt that if he didn't cling on to Ryan, he would lose himself.

Ryan felt his shirt getting wet from Allen's tears and thought that maybe, just maybe, he would Allen to hold on to him for a little while longer.

A/N: Done! I kind of wanted to write angst because I was in the mood to do so, and hurt-comfort just happened to be the thing that popped up in my head. Also, the picture on the cover was this-

 Also, the picture on the cover was this-

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It's not an original picture. It's a picrew. But yeah. Also, I have a personal headcanon that Ryan can't lift one eyebrow at a time and anytime someone does it, he gets fascinated. It's probably not true in the canon, seeing as Ryan probably lifts a single eyebrow at least once, but that's why it's a headcanon, so chill. Also, this one shot was technically-

Ryan: Tell me why you were crying

Allen: No

Ryan: You can tell me

Allen: No

Ryan: Tell me

Allen: I don't wanna


Ryan: *aggressively hugs*

Allen: *cries*

@MissClover77 here, have a fanfic

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