Part 7

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Before I knew what was happening Twice came up behind me and grabbed my arms, dragging me into the hall behind the bar and throwing me into the room with a huge cage in the middle of it. I saw Deku tied to a chair with a piece of cloth in his mouth. He started yelling and struggling when he saw me I was confused and started to get up but got kicked down and my head hit the floor and I felt somebody stepping on my head pushing it into the hard floor and Deku yelled even louder

"Hey get off of her and come out so I can lock the door." Shigiraki's voice said and the force holding me down released and I got up I looked down to see a small puddle of blood I reached up to find a scratch to the left of my forehead I didn't care and I just wanted to get him out I went up to the cage while looking around to see a vent I started making a rope and grappling hook

"We need to get out of here as soon as possible Bakugo is going practically crazy because of this and Alec being Alec not letting Iduna go"

I typed in the code and stopped looking around and spotting a camera I threw my knife at it breaking it I jumped up to grab it and landed with the knife I looked around and saw no more cameras so I went to the cage and opened it I went up to him and he was going crazy

"Calm down, I'm not turning again. I would never do that. I want to help."

This calmed him down a bit and I cut the cloth so he could talk

"Thank you. Is Kacchan okay? You said he was going crazy or something."

"You know what? I never said that okay? Are you hurt at all?"

"I think my wrist is sprained and my left leg is broken. I feel a lot of pain in areas but I don't know what else is wrong."

"Got it"

I made a paper clip and bent it so I could pick the locks I got his legs and looked at the lock on the cuffs it was a keypad

"I don't have my computer with me to hack it and I don't know the code either, so that's a problem." I finished off the rope and went out of the cage and threw the hook and it caught on the vent I pulled on it ripping the cover off exposing the vent

"What are you doing"

"Making a way to escape here stay there I'm coming"

I walked over to the cage again and into the chair

"Come on."

I grabbed him and helped him up he winced when he stood up I led him out of the cage and sat him down

I'm going to make a wrap for your leg, for now, hold on"

I started to roll up my sleeves and thought of the components to make a wrap

"Do you think you will be able to crawl through the vent?"

"I can try."

"Okay this is our only way out because they are most active at night but still active during the day I know all their schedules and Toga is going on a killing spree in a few minutes, Shiggy is taking a nap right about now, and Dabi has to replace his staples"

As I went on explaining I cut the wrap to end it off and began wrapping his injured leg

"The only one who doesn't have anything to do it twice and I know they will make him stay outside of the door so we have to be quiet."

I got up and helped him up "I'm going to help you up into the vent then crawl to the left you will find a ladder try and climb up it and go out the vent into the alleyway There Ami and Setsuko are waiting for you just go with them to U.A"

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