0- disclaimer

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**hiya and thank you for reading this story!

there are a lot of things that i want to say as the writer of this story, so let me start by just rattling some of them off:

1. this is a work of fiction, but please remember it is fanfiction. i am a fan, not a professional writer. criticism is always welcome, but please remember the tone that you are using when addressing me. i am working full time while also maintaining other aspects of my life. this is not my job, just something i enjoy.

1a. this is my first time writing something of a "period piece". though i have some knowledge from my studies, i am not an expert. if something is incorrect, no it isn't. this is my world. y'all are just living in it.

2. i am trying to better myself and my writing. if anything that i say is harmful in any way, please let me know. i am consciously taking steps to include more diverse characters, conversations, and more, but it is more likely than not that in my efforts to be more inclusive, i will cause unintentional harm. please, if i do, correct me. i am open and thankful to learn.

3. fanfiction seems to be a place where people seem to perpetuate internalized misogyny and, otherwise, anti-feminist behavior. hating on women is much easier, i think, for people than hating on "harry styles." which, i encourage you to remember, this is not real. this is fiction. though, i digress. please, think about the information that you are consuming and question whether it is something that you find acceptable.

4. please note that as i am writing this (february 22, 2022) i am not in a position to give scheduled updates. trust in me that i will update as often as my schedule allows, but please remember that i am a full time teacher and that my job, friends, and family will always come first. writing is a solace for me and a place to escape my head. the second that y'all make it more about your impatience, it ceases being such for me and i can't let you take that from me. 

5. any and all comments comparing my story to other fanfictions, television shows, and/or movies will be deleted as soon as they are seen. this is exceptionally invalidating to me and, not to mention, just plain rude.

finally, let me share my thanks. though this is just something of a passion project for me, i cannot thank you all for encouraging me and engaging with my passion. i feel so truly lucky and blessed that you all interact with me in this forum.

love you, mean it,

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