The Path

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The man walked with his head slightly bowed, eyes scanning the ground in front of him, arms swinging casually at his side. Occasionally he would kneel down, place his left knee on the ground, and pick up an item.

A slight smile formed on his lips because with every stoop, every kneel, and every time he removed an obstacle that could cause an injury, the toe of his left boot would rub away. After he stood to his full height, he looked down at his feet. Sure enough, a worn mark on his left boot looked back at him like a wide-eyed child. Sort of as in wonder. "You know you are wearing me down so that I will never look like the right boot. Then you will throw me away and get a new left boot!" The boot would say if it could talk.

"Not true little boot," he muttered under his breath as he began to walk down the path again, "we have been through too much for me to get rid of you. You are stuck with me." He thought as he stooped to pick up a larger rock.

He walked up to a pile of rocks that stood as a sentinel on the side of the path. Reaching into his pocket he produced many rocks and pebbles in his hand. He deposited them on the pile, making sure none of them made their way back on the path.

Continuing on his way, he encountered a rock that was larger than any other he had seen on his path. He squat down and gripped the rock with both hands. Each hand curled and conformed to the shape of the rock as he lifted it from the ground. The weight caused his muscles to strain and tighten. He began to walk down the path while carrying the large rock. Each footstep plodding down heavily with the added weight. He looked for an area he could set the rock that would help keep the smaller rocks from rolling back onto the path. As he trudged, he heard footsteps approach.

The man stopped and turned his head to see who was walking down his path. He had never met her and had no idea who she was, but she approached him with a smile and a question in her eyes.

"Why are you carrying that large rock?" She asked as she stopped next to him.

"Because it was in the path and I had to remove it so that no one would stumble or fall. I keep the path clear so that anyone that walks on it will be safe." He said as he turned and continued to walk the path with his burden.

"Why do you carry the rock with you? Why not throw it to the side and then continue on the path?" She asked as she walked next to him.

"Because I am looking for one of the mounds of rocks that I have already stacked. I want to put it next to the other rocks." He said with a strained voice.

"Why not just start another pile here so you do not have to carry it so far? It does look like it is heavy." She pointed to an area a few feet ahead on the path that would accommodate the rock.

"When I reach a pile of rocks that I have already stacked, this rock will be placed in front of it so that they will not roll back onto the path."

He kneeled down next to his intended destination and set the rock in place.

"If I were you, I would just throw the rocks in the trees. That gets them off of your path and it is less strain on you." She said.

She held out her hand and without a second thought, he reached out his hand and held onto hers. He was surprised that he felt so comfortable walking hand in hand with someone he just met. However, he felt they had known one another all of their lives. He could not imagine a time in his life that he would not wish to walk this path and not hold her hand.

He knew it was a strange thing to think and an odd way to feel. But, he did not want to let go of her hand. It had been too long since he had felt a hand in his.

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