Chapter One - My sandwich... It was innocent.

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(Disclaimer: My only experiance with law is Legally Blonde, The bit in the bee movie where Barry and Vanessa sue the human race and kdrama. I am making this up as I go along. I will not be doing any research because I am always right. This is a joke.)


It had been 3 months since Barbatos had suggested to the king of the Devildom that he should gain some control of the legal system. Unsurprisingly Diavolo was one that found himself in court more often than not, most notably the case that followed after he had watched sensational movie megamind and attempted to recreate the graffiti all over the Devildom. Of course he always managed to weasel his way out of anything too damaging, what with his influence and mesmorising biddies. But you know what they say, if you can't beat em, join em, and oh boy was Diavolo going to join em. 


11:00 - Monday

31666 Black Cat Drive

Devildom Legal Building 

"Cheers!" Chorused the range of voices crammed inside of the little office on one fateful monday morning. 

"Wow Diavolo," came a voice from near the door, nestled behind two of his older brothers, "I'm so glad you became a lawyer after I did all that murder stuff, since your enthusiasm to take people to court over the smallest things is a little concerning at this point." 

Diavolo let out a hearty chuckle at Belphegor's remark. It was true, he loved this line of work so much that all he wanted to do was walk around the courtroom and shout latin words at all the onlookers. "Ego cacas ipse!" He would confidently shout. "Gravida sum!" He would exclaim when there was a twist in the case. It was so kind of Satan to teach him real court slang. 

Lucifer rolled his eyes and moved to scold Belphie, but he got distracted by Diavolos huge enourmous phat biddies, which were tightly pressed up against his uniform. 

"You really could afford to get a bigger office", interjected Satan, who was uncomfortably pressed up against a cabinet full of files and Lucifer. 

Diavolo laughed again, "Nonsense! This space is perfect for me and Barbs, I do my paperwork and he looks over my shoulder all day to make sure I haven't written swears on it," the demon took a sip of the Margarita on his desk, and Barbatos rolled his eyes, "now who wants sandwiches?"

The door slammed open, and the resident ginger of the house of lamentation unsurprisingly stood in the doorway. He clambered over Belphie and pushed Levi aside to reach the sandwich tray Barbatos pulled out of the desk drawer. He was humgry.

Lucifer averted his gaze from the dibbies over to his younger brother,"What do we say before eating Beel?" The orange haired demon looked over at him, confused. 

"...The Lord's Prayer?" 

Lucifer stared at him increduously, before setting his hunger crazed brother straight. "No Beel, we say hello to our host." 

"Oh, hello." He took a big bite of the sandwich. 

The tray was then passed around the brothers in the office. When the tray finally reached Leviathan he chose a delicous looking blt sub, before going to place the sandwich tray back on Diavolo's desk with his free hand. However, in order to sucessfully complete this manouver he had to reach around his younger brother, still mesmerised by his sandwhich, and in doing so tripped over a folder on the floor, causing him to launch the tray, which knocked the sandwich right out of Beelzebub's clammy hands. 

"Oh Beel I'm sorry, let me get you another one", the purple haired demon bending down to clean up his mess. However there was no response from his brother, instead he dropped to his knees, tears brimming in his eyes. 

"M-my sandwich..." he mumbled, "it was innocent...". And then he roared. "IT WAS INNOCENT!" 

Diavolo chugged the rest of his Margarita. "Beel!" Before Lucifer or Barbatos He jumped from his chair, ecstatic, "DO YOU WANT TO PRESS CHARGES?" 


12:00 - Monday 

Royal Acadamy Diavolo

"Damn that test was brutal" complained Mammon, "god if I fail the resit Lucifer's gonna kill me for real!" You laughed, knowing there was a little truth in his statement. 

You and Mammon had had to skip out on Diavolo's office warming party and re-take a history test that the both of you had failed. You had decided to skip out on studying and just copy off the person next to you on the day of the exam. Unfortunatly you had been seated next to the avatar of greed, who answered every question with a drawing of Lucifer hung upsidedown from the ceiling. Lucifer did not like this.

You checked your DDD to see what news you had missed in the two hours of your exam. Leviathan had posted a new selfie on Devilgram, god he was so dreamy... a new chapter of  your favourite webtoon, 'SubZero but they are in the Devildom' had been posted, but then a strange looking article made you do a double take.

"Beel is suin' Levi?!" Exclaimed Mammon, reading over your shoulder. Great. So you weren't seeing things. What the hell could've happened since this morning? 


Thanks for reading! What do you think will happen next? Will romance spark between you and levi or will the stress of the court case leave you heartbroken? Updates posted three times every day Xxxxx no i will not proofread this 

- Levithan's Nipple

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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