Chapter 5''Our Strategy''

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The Bad Sanses, the star sanses and Moon already Knew how to get to the SD multiverse, but they were all aware that they couldn't just go and attack like if they were just unconsious things. They had to make an stategy, after all their opponent is MUCH STRONGER than all of them together.

''So, ithink that to start the Strategy we need to know SD's weakness, And i suppose it will be Negativity but as Moon said Ours might not be enoush since his Aura can grow even stronger.''Ink* ''Well i think that... if his aura can grow stronger we will need to cause negativity, Like we do in our multiverse but this time we will have to be like SOULESS monsters.''Dust*

''NO! there's no way we'll do that!''Blue* ''Then, what do you suggest?'' ''Don't start. Besides, if his aura is very strong, would't that mean that if we cause negativity, his will sense it and grow his aura affecting the people of the entire multiverse?''Dream*  ''Yep. That's right.''Moon*

''Then we can Try confusing him with our attacks and when his enought distracted, one or two of us will go search for Nightmare and scape....?''Horror* ''MMmmmmm......... That's not bad but i dobout it'll work''*Error&Moon* ''Well i suggest we use NM as our principal objet of our strategy''Ink* ''MY BROTHER, INK? why anyways, how are we going to get there without him noticing us?! even if he can't see us, he will precense us and probably kill us!! exept for moon maybe.''Dream* ''MMmmm NM you say? Maybe if we...''Moon* ''Don't tell me you agree with this......''Dream* ''My brother can be psycopath who is able to kidnap people, but he REALLY cares about NM, so he wouldn't hurt him fisically or emotionally, so he would let us atleast talk''Moon*   ''If you didn't understand what i meant, it was that my brother will be able to Slow down his aura instead of making it stronger'' ''And with that we can talk like civilizated people instead of fighting and arguing, right?''Blue* ''Exacly''Moon*

''But  uhh i don't think he will let us in that easily, we can't go and knock the door asking if we can talk about why did he kidnap nightmare, and ask him if we can have him back dude.''Cross

''That's true. Then we can... Go inside the castle where he lives Have a 'short' fight and in that fight we will have to talk and give him a reason to stop and 'invite' us to talk.''Killer*  ''Do you mean Invent the things we will say, so when he listen to us in the fight he will think it'll be better to stop the fighting and talk, like if it was all a trap to make him stop?''Error* ''YES.'' ''.................................................................''The rest* ''W-what?'' ''Mmm Maybe your right! we can do that!''Ink*

''So... that's it? that's what we are gonna do?''Dust&Cross&Horror* ''yep.'' Error&Ink&dream&Blue&Moon*


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