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No one pov:
It was a nice quiet evening the sun was shining their wasn't a lot of people out on the streets so Y/N thought that they will leave there house to go to there favorite book/movie store to see if they had anything new that would be interesting to read/watch for the rest of the day

Looking both way before on the street their want any cars on the road or in sight Y/N waited a second longer before they even crossed the street during that one second a car had zoomed past them in full speed which lead to them crashing into a pole a bit more down the street

Y/N pov:
"Sigh" that was a close one if I'd have taken even a step on the road when that car was driving by I would have been killed 'Should I checke on the driver' looking down the street a few other people were taking care of the problem so there wasn't any reason why I should involve myself in that mess I counted my way to (f/s) to get a new book/movie

Now crossing the street I quickly made my way to (f/s) before another car reck happens on the road 'But what are the odds that would happen' just as I step foot on the sidewalk I heard a sound of a gun loading right behind me 'Shit' slowly glancing behind me I saw a female student pointing her gun at me while she was crying 'Bich why are you crying I'm the one about to get shot'

"I know you cheated on me with this whore James!" I know noticed that there was a boy standing behind the girl trying to explain to her that he had no idea who I even was 'Yeah you crazy bich I don't even know your boyfriend'

But this whore was absolutely "positive" that I'm the one her boyfriend has been seeing behind her back "Look girl I don't even know you our that boyfriend of yours" but when I said that she had looked at me with more tears in her eyes "JUST SHUT UP YOU WHORE"

With that she had pulled the trigger on the gun 'Shit I knew staying at home was safer then this shit' falling to the ground I was quickly wrapped in darkness as the bullet had went through my heart making my mind stop as I took my last breath I said on thing to the bich that shot me "Y-your boyfriend 'chough' made a good choice on planing to leave you bich"

God/writer/me pov:
"I didn't think I'd need that back up plan but hey it worked" it was a surprise that the car didn't kill them like I hope but I'd at least saw how the back up ending in action for once

"Welp guess it's time for there second chance" as their soul slowly made there way to the after life I quickly interfere by grabbing their soul and bringing them to my office "Sorry but your coming with me" opening my office door I went over to one of my filing cabinet

I looked for Y/N phone history to see what kind of world they should be reborn as it didn't take long to see that they were a fan of the Dream smp and that Tommy was one of their favorite on the server "Looks like you get to be Tommy"

Throwing the soul up in the air they had landed in a new potion that I made a few hours ago "Oops you weren't meant to be a test subject" pulling the soul out it had a pink light that now the (f/c) soul "Yeah I've got no clue how this will turn out for you"

It's too late to turn back now using my power I slowly fuse the soul of a new born Tommy with Y/N soul "I'll just make a new universe for you" taking the baby Tommy soul I put it in a peaceful universe with him born to a wealthy family 'I mean he's loosing his original life in this universe so gotta be nice to the child'

With that done I turn my attention to Y/N soul that had finally finished taking over the baby Tommy body "Welp let's hope that whatever I that pink stuff is won't be to much of an issue for you"

Now that everything was done I sent the soul to it's new home with there new family taking away all their memories of there original name and life they will only know the plot if the smp as that's the only information they will need in there new life

Fuck I got reborn as TommyWhere stories live. Discover now