Chapter 4

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It's been three days sence I got a fake girlfriend. And honestly it's the Funniest shit I've ever experienced. As we walked down the hallway, with my arm around Wanda's shoulders I could hear people whispering things, I didn't pay attention that much. But it was also very funny seeing people's faces that they made.

Besides Wanda and me nobody knows that all this is fake. Well at least about one day ago when I told Sam about it. He was very surprised and I had to stop him from telling the whole school.

And I did get in trouble for telling him without telling Wanda that I was planning on telling him. But getting back to right now I was standing outside of biology class waiting on Sam.

As I'm looking through my phone trying to look cool and not socialize with anyone I hear laughter from the end of the hall and see the football team. And if I forgot to mention Bucky and Steve are in it.

As always Bucky is in the middle and the entire football team is following him like lost dogs.

I tried to walk away so they wouldn't see me but I failed. "Parker, why don't you come with me" Bucky walked beside me and out of the school. I looked behind and saw the whole football team was staring at me, so I decided that maybe I should follow him out.

As we walked out I thought all the ways this could go:
A) He could be nice
B) He could punch me in face and break my nose
C) He could embarrass me in front of the school
D) He could try and be friends with me, and in a few years we could be besties.
E) We could go out of the country and live our best lifes.
But I was pretty positive that D and E wasn't going to happened. As I subconsciously walked outside, I was met with Bucky turning his back at me.

I went and stood by his side and just waited for him to start talking.

After a few moments of quiet he finally started "Did you know that this school was built by Tony Stark because he wanted to prove to his father that he wasn't a disappointment." Wow somebody spent their night doing research. I didn't respond so he continued

"He met a lot of woman, and slept with most of them but at the end he found the woman of his dreams" I still wasn't sure what he was meaning but I just nodded and pretended I did "Look Y/N, what I mean is that when you meet the right person it clicks, and with me and Wanda..." I was waiting for him to tell me that he loved her but what came out of his mouth was, let's just say unexpected "It didn't click." I'm sorry. What?! That woman started talking to   me just to get you, and now your sayin you didn't like her.

I didn't say anything instead I just stared at the ground. As we stood at a very awkward silence he started to walk away but before he did that he said "I think you two are beautiful together" he patted my shoulder and walked away.


I was laying in my bed at home, thinking about today and what Bucky had said. "It didn't click" was it true or was it all just him trying to convince himself.
But I couldn't stop myself from thinking what if it was true, what if she was trying to be with someone who doesn't want to be with her.

It didn't make sense at all, why would he tell me that he didn't love her when four days ago he was ready to kill me because of a rumor. While deep in my thoughts I hear my phone buzz.

Hey, where are you
your late?
Y/N. You're late.
Y/N Where are you?

OMG. I quickly got up and got dressed. I left a note on Peters bed and then ran. I got in my car and drove to the coffee.

When I got there I could see our boss Gerry asking Abby and Ted questions with I suspect are about me, I got in from the back door where the kitchen is  got my uniform and put it on. I saw some flour on the table and put some on me to look like I've been here cooking.

I accidentally hit some pans and they fell on the ground making a mess. I put them on the counter and said a little 'sorry'. I opened the door to get out of the kitchen and when Garry saw me he gave the 'I don't like you and one day I'll find a way to get you fired' look.

Abby saw the tension between me and Gerry and tried to get me out of this situation "Y/N I told you not to go in the kitchen. " she gave Garry a fake laugh with I responded with "yea sorry, just wanted to know what happens in there" Garry looked at me unimpressed
nodded as a sign that we passed and then left.

We all watched him and then I feel Abby's cold hand slap the back of my neck, to which I hissed and grabbed the back of my neck. Abby just got back to working lookin angry. "And you got her angry. Fix it or she's going to take out on every costumer that comes here." Teddy says which was probably true.

When Abby gets angry she has her three faze's.
One: she stays quiet of a log time and only talk when she absolutely has to.
Two: she starts staring at every one and
Three: she yells at every person she sees, rather they're a costumer or a coworker.

I've only seen faze three Abby when I forgot to wait for her after work, and she had to walk fifteen miles.To prevent faze tree Abby happen I have to apologize. So I make my way to Abby and try to talk to her "heyyy Abby how you doin?" She didn't even look at me so I kept going "Abby I'm so sorry that I didn't come in time, I forgot about inspection today, please forgive me?" I gave her my best puppy eyes. She stopped writing what she was writing and turned her head and stared at me.

That's when I started questioning my life decisions, and thinking I should've taken risks. This momonet was lasting forever, I could feel that she was planing on how to kill me and if she should make it painfull just hope that she doesn't do it I'm to beautiful to die.
"Forgive you!? Y/N! I could've lost my job if you didn't come, and you know my dad, he'll kick me out if I can't make a living for myself." Okay now I was feeling bad.

Abby's dad never really loved her, her mom left and made a family with another man, when she left Abby didn't have a place to stay so she stayed on the streets for some time one day her dad's new wife saw her and felt bad so she took her in. Her father didn't want her there so he told her she had to pay rent and had to make a living for herself she agreed and now shes still paying rent on her own father's house. I felt sorry for her when she told me that but she said and I quote 'don't worry one day I'm going to achieve my dream of being in the police'
I really wanted to help her but as always I have a little brother who wants to go to college and  a house.

"Abby-"  "Don't 'Abby' me, Y/N you need to learn to grow up and take responsibilities, you can't just do what you want and let others suffer the consequences because maybe the things that feel so small for you are a big deal for other people." And with that she left.

God I feel so stupid now, I was so worked up on what Bucky said that I didn't see the time and that almost cost Abby her job.

I need to fix this.

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