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"Well, I don't think it's a sign of weakness or strength. It's not weak to show your emotions, and you don't need strength to let them show. For me, crying is a way to release feelings." Seunghyun turned to face Jiyong. His hands rested on his lap with his hair blowing in his eyes. "Thanks" Jiyong smiled without glancing at Seunghyun. "I couldn't answer that myself. I wanted to hear another persons answer from a different mouth other than mine" All Seunghyun could do was nod. After five minutes of silence, Jiyong spoke. "Where did you go" He whispered. Seunghyun didn't know if he was meant to hear that, but he answered anyway. "I went to America" He sighed bringing his head up to look at the sky. Nodding, Jiyong took something out of his pocket and placed it in Seunghyuns hands. Confused, Seunghyun stared blankly at the note. "What's this?"

"Don't open this until tomorrow, please Seunghyun" Jiyong looked at Seunghyun with hope and trust in his eyes. Glancing down at the peice of paper, Seunghyun nodded. "I won't"

"You've lost alot of weight" Seunghyun couldn't help but comment. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Jiyong paused for a secomd to close his eyes and take a deep breath. "I'm fine" Seunghyun looked at him with a concerned face. "Maybe you should go and see a doctor... Just incase" Seunghyuns glare locked onto Jiyong's skinny arms. Bruises trailed up in various places, some new and some old. "Bruise easily, huh?" Seunghyun traced his fingers gentley over each and everyone one of Jiyong's bruises.

"Yeh" Jiyong chuckled lowly shivering under Seunghyuns ministration. "That tickles" Jiyong spoke through laughter. Seunghyun smiled, he should have stopped after a few seconds but he couldn't help but carry on. The sweet sound of Jiyong's laughter was like muic to his ears.

They arrived back at the apartment just when Jiyong was getting a little tired. "Do you wan't me to carry you the rest of the way?" Seunghyun joked bringing a small smile to portrait from Jiyong's face. "I'm good" Jiyong held his head high giggling quietly at Seunghyun. "Glad I made you smile..." Seunghyun trailed off.
Jiyong showed all of the songs he had been working on the past few years. They were alot different to the ones Seunghyun and him used to produce. It was sweet for a moment to hear Jiyong sing and rap one of his selected songs, but to Seunghyun, it also brought pain. The sheets with lyrics on them that Seunghyun and Jiyong had wrote were never sung. They never had enough time to sing them. Seunghyun couldn't even remember the last time he picked up a pen to write a song.


Jiyong wasn't the type to be clumsy. Seunghyun knew that, he watched cautiously when Jiyong would pick up his fork then drop it seconds later. While eating this was Seunghyuns chance to catch up with Jiyong, his ex-boyfriend.

Their chat reminded both of them the memory of when they were jist friends. Simple, short but interesting chats sitting watching the horizon.

After lunch, well Seunghyun's lunch Jiyong didn't really eat much. They sat closley together on the couch watching movies and TV programmes. Half way through their selected movie, Seunghyun wasn't suprised to find Jiyong asleep resting his head on Seunghyuns shoulder. He looked peaceful and tired, Seunghyun grabbed the remote from the side and turned the volume down. He grabbed a blanket covering Jiyong's freezing cold body. He sunk down more into the sofa moving Jiyongs head to a slightly more comefortable position. Cautiously he glanced down at jiyong who he thought was sleeping, Jiyong creaked his eyes open slightly unaware that Seunghyun was looking at him. He looked up pretending not to notice, wishing Jiyong would go back to sleep. He needed the rest.

Seunghyun rested his cheek on top of Jiyong's head, shutting his eyes slowly feeling like he could slip into a deep sleep any second. Despite having the TV on, he could hear Jiyong faintly crying against him. Seunghyun clenched his eyes shut, attempting to block out the noise. He hated hearing Jiyong cry, it made him feel like it was his fault for his tears. In fact, Seunhyun blamed himself for all the times Jiyong was in a sad mood. He hated hearing Jiyong cry. He hated it.

When evening came, Seunghyun yawned rubbing his eyes gently noticing that he had gone to sleep. His eyes trailed over to Jiyong who's head was rested against his shoulder. Heaving out a sigh he lightly shook Jiyong's shoulder not wanting to harm him. Jiyong's eyes opened and almost instantly he winced for a unknown reason. "Jiyong what's wrong?" Seunghyun spoke alarmed. "J-Just a headache thats al-all" He brought his hand to cover his eyes from the brightness blinding him from the TV.

"You sure?" Seunghyun atared at Jiyong out of concern. Jiyong shut his eyes taking deep breaths. "I'm sure." Seunghyun didn't want to sound rude but he didn't trust Jiyong 100%. Seunghyun let out a frustrated breath getting up from the couch. When the time came for Seunghyun to leave, he didn't feel like going back at all. But he had no choice. It was where Taeyang was. Where all his close friends lived. "I have to get going" Seunghyun said softly.

"Can you stay for dinner?" Jiyong asked quietly. Seunghyun slowly shook his head without looking anywhere else but the floor, Jiyong nodded. "I understand, you need to get back to your loved one and work" He glanced up looking at Seunghyun one last time. He smiled a painful smile before standing up slowly making his way to the door. Seunghyun fought back the urge to kiss Jiyong sweetly on the lips one last time. He regretted what had happened only years ago. He wanted to solve and fix everything. He wanted to kiss all of Jiyong's problems away. Seunghyun desperatley wanted to move on but his heart disagreed with his mind. His heart told him that this was where he belonged, that Jiyong was the person he was meant to be with until death tore them apart.

Jiyong opened the door staring blankly down at the floor, refusing to look at Seunghyun. For some reason Seunghyun was glad Jiyong didn't let his face show. He couldn't bare to look at such a unhappy and despaired face. "Be careful Jiyong. I hope you get better soon..." Seunghyun as strongly as possible said his last goodbye trying his hardest not to let his voice shake.

"Bye Seunghyun" Jiyong said whispering. His eyes still glued to the floor. With a silent tear streaming down his face, Seunghyuns feet lead him out of Jiyong's apartment

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