I Like You Y/n (Part two) - Johnny

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"It was the most awkward dinner I've ever had in my life Susan" I reply as I grab my books from my locker for the next class.

"But what happened with Johnny?"

I close my locker, Sighing.
After last night's dinner, which by the way was the most awkward and not just because of the incident with Sid, but because of Johnny's confession. Everything was weird. I felt that Johnny was watching me out of the corner of his eye, but I was concentrating on my plate.
Luckily dinner didn't last long.

And here I am, telling everything to Susan. Well, maybe I left out the confession part...
I look to my sides before taking my friend by the arm and dragging her with me to the bathroom.

"Y/n! What are you-"

"He told me he likes me" I smile.

Susan is surprised. She tilts her head a little, looks at me and smiles


"I knew it!" She jumps with excitement
"I knew it, I knew it!" Sings

"And that's why you smile?"



"Oh come on y/n. You like him too."

Not again with this...

"I don't like Lawrence!"

She snaps her fingers at me and points at me "Of course you do. You smiled when you told me."

"It is not true"

"It is!" My friend grabs me by the shoulders "y/n are you 100% sure that you don't like him?

I thanked the school bell with my life, as it rang at just the right time.
I quickly get out of the bathroom leaving my friend planted inside without an answer.


I laughed as I ran down the hall to get to class on time.

~ Time skip ~

The day was quiet and passed quickly. Classes were boring as usual.

When I got home, I ate something and then lay down on my bed. I don't know when but I fell asleep for most of the day, until it was around 7 when my mom woke me up banging on the door.

"y/n honey? Are you ready?"

"What!?" Ready for what!?

"I need you to hurry, Laura and her son will be here in minutes"

I jump up from my bed. Damn. I forgot that my mother invited them for dinner.

I quickly take a shower. I go out and get dressed.

The doorbell rings. I don't know why I'm nervous. Susan's question popped into my head. I get lost in the thought when out of nowhere the door of my room opens causing me to jump a little startled.

Johnny walks in and closes the door.

"What- what are you doing here?"

"Hello to you too y/n" he replies sarcastically "your mom told me to come up if i wanted"

I sit on my bed. Johnny starts to look at my room. There is silence between us.

"Are you going to search my entire room?"


I can not stand it anymore. I have to tell him.

"What you said that night. Was it true?"

I think the question surprised him because he remains static in place. Continuous.

"Because... I like you too Johnny. I don't know why but you make me nervous and every joke we've made between us. I'm afraid it's another joke and -"

But I don't finish talking because I feel his warm lips on mine shutting me up, he surprised me but then I continued the kiss. God.
Do I like Johnny Lawrence? Definitely yes.

My hands are lost in his hair while his travel to my waist, lifting my shirt a little, which made a small part of my skin rub against them. We move until we hit the door. We continued like this until we had no choice but to separate due to lack of air. We see each other. Both smiling.

"That answers everything?"


"I like you a lot y/n and no, it's not a joke. I'm serious."

"I like you too Johnny"

He hugs me and we stay like that until my mom calls us telling us that dinner is ready.

Author's note:

This is it. Hope you like it!

Also i changed the cover of the book, what do you guys think?

That's all!

With love,


Cobra Kai imagines ('84) (Johnny/Dutch)Where stories live. Discover now