Chapter 1

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Bambams POV

I had just finished work and was heading home. By the time I reached the front yard of my family's tiny crumbling home I could already hear my dad and older brothers laughing. They were probably all drunk, like always. I tried running upstairs to my room, I was so close that the floorboard underneath me creaked. The laughter went silent, my dad yelled at me to come into the living room. Quickly I ran to him.

No ones pov

Bambam nearly tripped as he ran into the living room his dad and three older brothers were all sitting on the couch, the room smelled like alcohol.

Where's your fucking check stupid? His dad yelled, quickly Bambam pulled out a piece of paper handing it to his dad.

"This all? "

His dad got up along with his brothers as they started to beat him. Bambam could feel his whole body hurting, his vision was becoming spotty before he passed out he could feel himself getting dragged somewhere.

Bambams pov

I woke up in an alleyway a couple of blocks away from my house... there was a bag next to me with a post-it note that read "don't come back you fucking s***". I felt like crying before I could the bag started to buzz, quickly I opened it pulling out my phone. I had a call from Shawn, I worked with Him. I picked up hearing him yell on the other end.

"Bro, where are you? "

"Your shift started an hour ago, boss is here right now....and he doesn't look happy."

With that Shawn hung up. Everyone who worked at Harbor restaurant knew boss was a mafia leader.... it was quite rare that he actually showed up to check on us. He only did it whenever he was going to kill one of the employees. At this point, I didn't even care I smelt like crap and felt like someone hit me with a car. I looked at myself seeing my blood-stained work uniform. The blood was mostly dry, the sky was turning a dark grey. Just great it's going to rain on me. Just on queue, the rain started to pour, I was drenched within a couple of minutes. I grabbed my bag while standing up and started heading to sams house, she always said she would help me if I needed it.

I got to her apartment building and quickly ran inside. It felt so nice to feel even the slightest of warmth. I got on the elevator and headed to her house. My stomach throbbed, I wasn't sure if it was because of hunger or the long cut on it. Once I was outside her door I started to doubt myself, maybe I should just leave I don't want to be a burden to her before I could even start walking away the door swung open.

"Bambam what happened" is all I heard before I was being dragged into her house.

Sam looked at me her eyes big and sympathetic. I stood there not knowing what to say, Sam sighed before running to a closet and throwing clothes at me. Go ahead and shower you look like crap. I laughed before walking towards her bathroom.

===========================================================================30 mins later

No ones pov

Bambam walked out of the bathroom and towards the living room, his hair damp and sticking to his head. Hey, Sam said as she was pushing a plate of food towards Bambam. He sat down and started eating fast. Sam watched amused, once Bambam had finish Sam stared at him waiting for him to talk. What...Bambam asked.

"Bambam.... what happened to you....?"

Bambam looked away his face sad and guilty.

"You can tell me Bambam", Sam said getting worried.

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