The Girlfriend

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Hanazuki was madly in love, emphasis on the 'mad' part.

She couldn't help it. It was Kiyoshi! He was so cute, and so kind, and so brave, and so perfect, that she couldn't help but fall deeper and deeper in love with him. And being in love felt great. Hanazuki was drowning in her own happiness, and she had no intention to try and get to shore.

It was a dream come true, a match made in heaven. They hadn't had a single fight since they got together, and every date they had was perfect. Fancy restaurants with month-long waiting lists, fancy parties, and expensive presents. Kiyoshi had apparently accumulated quite a few favors in his time as Shadow Lynx. It was amazing

But as time went on things began to feel... off. Not bad, just off. Her relationship was as perfect as ever, but she couldn't help but feel that something was missing from her life.

She saw it in Kiyoshi too. Even though he was happy most of the time, sometimes she saw a flash of confusion in his eyes. A sense of confusion stemming from an unknown source.

If there was one thing that Hanazuki couldn't stand, it was when the people around her were upset. And she was not one to let bad things slide.

So she called a meeting at Lisa's Diner. They were going to get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing they did.


"So..." Hanazuki said.

"So..." Kiyoshi mirrored

It was awkward. The diner, with the cartoony characters decorating its walls, was a far cry from their usual date spot. Both of them had sort of hurriedly thrown on whatever was on hand, resulting in Hanazuki wearing a mess of clashing colors, and Kiyoshi wearing a ragged hoodie that he'd owned for 4 years. They hadn't had an awkward moment like this since they first got together.

But Hanazuki wouldn't let that stop her. "Listen. I love you, Kiyoshi. But..."

Kiyoshi looked like he was on the verge of tears. "This is a break up conversation, isn't it?"

She shook her head rapidly. "No no no! Not at all! These past few weeks have been amazing."

Kiyoshi sighed in relief, but he still didn't smile. "So then, why...?"

"You feel it too, don't you?" Hanazuki asked. "Something's wrong. I'm not sure whether it's because of you or me or both of us, but we need to talk about it. Are you okay? Are we okay?"

"I'm fine. We're fine." Kiyoshi mumbled. "Everything's been going great. I don't know why..."

A silence descended over them. The tension lay thick and heavy.

"I like your outfit." Kiyoshi said softly.

"What did you say?"

"Your outfit looks nice, I guess."

"It does?"

"Yeah, it brings out your... eyes? I don't know."

"Oh. Thanks." Hanazuki said, her voice equally as dull. "Your looks

"Thanks. I've owned it for a while."



The tension was heavy, and Hanazuki wasn't sure what to do about it. Her romantic interactions with Kiyoshi had always come so naturally before, but now, talking seemed almost impossible. For a while, no words were spoken, save for a 'Thank you' when a waitress brought their food; A cheeseburger for Kiyoshi, and a salad for Hanazuki.

Kiyoshi looked down at his plate, anxiety evident in every single one of his features. He picked up one of his fries and dipped it in ketchup. But instead of eating it, he merely fiddled with it before it slipped out of his hand, flew across the table, and landed splat on Hanazuki's shirt.

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