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I didnt hesitate to intervene.. i walked closely to his side and bumped him.

"oh sorry---" he didnt finish what he was about to say coz he already saw me. 

he smiled.. really?! even in this kind of place (dark place) he recognized me? well.. maybe he is a real fan?

"sir yoongi" he said almost shocked..

i looked at the man who is trying to touched his cheek earlier.

"min yoongi? THE IDOL MIN YOONGI?" he pulled jimin closer to him

i smirked at him and gave him a cold gaze.

jimin just nodded then smiled, and just by looking at it.. he's a little drunk. 

i pulled him in his arm 

"you are drunk, ill drop you home" i said casually

but this man pulled him again from me "im his friend, i can do that.. dont bother" i started at him "dont care" and pulled jimin again

my bodyguard just standing there next to me. 


im about to throw up because of this two.

what am i? a rope? they kept pulling me back and forth. 

"ya! stop it! im fine! i can go home by myself" i looked at min yoongi..

why the hell he even here?

i shrugged my shoulder and left them there. 

i am so sleepy , im not a heavy drinker i admit. 

well.. i got home safely, had a quick shower and slept. 



Min yoongi is getting ready for the fan meeting.. he's in the dressing room with his make up artists and stylist. 

he checked his watch.. "almost time" he whispered excitedly. 

he is like that.. always excited to meet his beloved fans.


"Hello.. what's your name?" i asked this cute girl with a gift.. its a teddy bear.. "im brina.." she said  cutely..  then he hand me my album for my autograph. 


i still didn't saw jimin.. he said he'd come.. i pout

maybe he is still sleeping because he was drunk last night. 

or maybe because he already knew me personally he doesn't like me now?

i heaved a deep sigh for my last fan. 

i didnt even bother to look up , im not in the mood already.. 

i just simply took the album and signed it. 

when i open it i saw a familiar PC. 

i looked up to check who was this fan.. 

"hello sir" he said with a smiling eye 

"jimin!" i said a little to o loud almost standing up

"yeah.. we meet again hihi" 

i smiled at him "im so happy you canme" i said sincerelu

"of course i will come! im your no. 1 fan.. remember? i never missed all of your events" 

i started signing his albums and he gave me a cute headband. 

FAN BOY (YoonMin Story) [ENGLISH]Where stories live. Discover now