My New Neighbor

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So I am moving in and a real pretty talk girl that is light skin comes up to me and is like," Hey so I guess you are my new neighbor."" Yeah I guess" I said. So she helps me put all my stuff in my room. Did I mention this is a mansion. Like my mom isn't rich so she might have dude. I don't care, as long as my room is huge. " Dang" The girl says. " Oh sorry but my name is Amaya." she says." Hey my name is Nevaha Williams." "Oh cool" she says. "Well I have to go to track practice so see u later. " Amaya said. "Bye girl". We exchange numbers and she leaves. I get done early and play on my Note 2 phone. I'm playing Crossy Road. Soon I get tired and put my phone on the charger then I got in the shower. I got out 1 hour later. I put on a matching pink bra and panties. Soon I lay in the bed and fall asleep.

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