7. Brave as a noun

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The sirens started to wail around the place, it breach. Foot steps were fait. Button sounds were heard, lava soon bropped the cell soon was scene but...no one was there, nothing but an empty and cold cell, "Hey...Sam"his voice was heard, the others neck had sword drawn. A swish was heard a small ding followed words were seen on the general chat, that dinged on dreams communicator. "One done, plenty to go~" voice with anger and revenge, itching from blood "come, on dream. We don't want to be seen here" the tall man beside him replied

A rampage was on.
The hunt for blood was as twisted.
No one could even stop them.

"Where are we going dream" the blood god asked, the sound of horse hoves tapped on the ground, trees stood tall and mighty the sun was about to set it looked wonderful "Pogtopia" he repylied leaves swayed and danced with the wind, mother nature was calling, the question is, who is she calling for?

Night hit when they arrived the at entrance of the ruined and halfly destroyed place, lanterns that hung on walls it flame still lasting from the 13 years of inhabitance it looked beautiful under the light of moon. The blood god stood near by the stallion "Sapnap..." he said tone cold but welcoming "Dream..we meet again" they replied with the same tone eyes filled with flashes of fire

◇~◇{New Pov Unlocked}◇~◇

☆~♧[Niki's Pov]♧~☆

"And what are you doing in my land?" I asked I couldn't belive such people would cross private property! Ever since L'manbur had been blown up one last time I couldn't bare to restart the memories they were to strong, I- I couldn't do it, I decided to exlie myself in Pogtopia's ashes, it took a while to get use to things and when I felt lonely I got a few vists from tommy and puffy.  "Who are you and why are you here?" They questioned back holding a soul lantern

"No! Get off of my property!" I said back drawing my sword "Looky now misy" they said holding the lantern above I could see their face through the lantern-DREAM?! "Get off of this place by the count of 10 we'll kill you right now"

"N-no This is MY land MY home! I am NOT doing LEAVING"

"Tie her"


My vision is blury but it got clear when I opened my eyes properly 'so it was just a bad dream' I thought 'haha I was just worried over nothing' I stood up and walk away but something was pulling me I turned my head around to see what was pulling. It was a chain--I was handcuffed to the wall?!

I need to escape who knows what their doing! I though panicking trying to find something to break the metal, scaning my surrounding I soon found a large stone that I could use, it was a little far but I managed to get it.

I started to chip the metal away it was slow but go enough the sound of rusty metal chipping off and stone scraching was heard. "One more hit and i'll get out of here" I muttered smashing the stone atop of my hand and it breaking

The other part of the handcuffes were still in my hand but none the less I was free. I looked over my belt and took out my diamond sword and walked trying to find the entrance, I soon found an old iron sword laying on the ground

Taking it incase my sword broke, "Am I even in pogtopia?" I asked myself, I soon heard whispering and talking, following the sound I was brought back to the entrance of pogtopia I got closer and made up what they were saying

"Quackity if you want the book come and take it from me!"

What? Quackity? Did he do something?
I couldn't help but message Hannah and tell her about what was happening. I only wanted to warn her since if I did choose to fight I'd be out numberd. Sending a message hearing a ding afterwards. Hope she'll be here on time


The sound of swords hitting against each other echoed on the empty halls of pogtopia a sword soon fell from the others arm "you know Sapnap, I could kill all of my friends...including you" she said towering the other "it's nice that you consider me a friend" he replied blood on his face "God knows I could make amends..." she said walking over the other and crouching down, holding his face "your heartless" he spat "your a b!tch" she replied taking her sword, she was about to end him but she felt a sharp pain on her stomach

"Check Mate" he said with a bloody dagger in hand "Wow you're really good at chess" she replied weakly "But don't lose" she said, sword in hand

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO finally finished, sorry if I did quiet update in a while. I've been quiet busy with school work. Thanks for the 200+ reads thank you for it I really appericte it <3

Anyways stay safe. Eat and drink proper amounts of food and water
Wear a mask when you go out

Septic17 .....lmao your still younger than me 😌💅✨

-Author, Vicky Arson
Word count 892

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