One Time Things

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Biting your lips to keep from sighing, you closed your eyes tightly as you felt Wanda's lips against the sensitive spot on your neck.

She seemed to be finding amusement in your stubbornness, or at least you thought so, as you felt her smile against your skin.

"This..." You tried breathlessly, feeling her hands move up the inside of your shirt. "It's just going a one-time thing."

"Yeah, whatever you say." She murmured against your neck before kissing you again, just as intensely as the first time.

How did you end up in an empty room aggressively making out with your arch enemy since first grade? Well, it all started with a wrong answer.

The national trivia competitions were the most talked-about event at your high school, and awarded many points for college.

Obviously, you signed up.

Being one of the best students in your class, it was to be expected.

The problem was that your classmate, Wanda Maximoff, the most despicable and annoying girl you knew, who seemed to have the pleasure of driving you up the wall ever since you met, was also very interested in the competition.

Things went well though. You casually teased each other between one practice and another, but your other colleagues soon worked it out before it ended in a bigger fight.

The problem was the semi-finals.

In your defense, Wanda was the real culprit for your wrong answer.

Neither of you could get the position of captain of the team, precisely because of the unbiased way you treated each other. The one who got it was good boy Steve Rogers, and he could be fucking annoying, as your best friend Tony would say.

You were hoping to get some more practice in for the final semis, as Steve asked everyone to do. But Wanda came to practice at the same time as you in the library, and before you knew it, you were arguing, and being thrown out by the noise.

Fortunately, Tony was spending time with you, and prevented you from jumping on Wanda's neck.

Studies ruined, you spent the rest of the afternoon complaining about the way the brunette seemed to be everywhere now, and you couldn't stand to see her around anymore.

"Not even when I went to buy a cup of coffee this morning, Tony!" you told indignantly, on your way to the main building for your last class. The boy next to you didn't take his eyes off his cell phone, but you kept talking. "She was there, early in the morning, can you believe it? I think she's following me. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a stalker, the girl won't leave me alone even for coffee. Are you even listening to me right now?"

Tony laughed, putting his cell phone away. "What, listening to you talk about Wanda Maximoff like you have for the last three weeks, every day, without exceptions? Of course I am, I wouldn't miss it." He sneered. "I'm even thinking of starting a podcast and writing down the whole love story of you two."

"Idiot." You retorted, crossing your arms. Tony laughed again, throwing an arm over your shoulder.

"Hey, don't be so grumpy." He asks humorously. "The competitions will be over soon, and we're off to college. You'll never have to think about Wanda Maximoff again, and thankfully I'll never have to listen to so much complaining about her again."

"For a best friend, you whine way too much about my topics, you know that?"

He smiles, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. You can complain all you want, it's just that sometimes I'm more interested in hearing about other things besides how much you hate that girl."

Right answers, Wrong questions - Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now