Small Misunderstandings

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Thursday is a strange day for you.

You were late because you went to Tony's house after school, and your movie marathons always took longer than planned.

This resulted in you both falling asleep late in his living room, and not listening to the alarm. At least Tony had a car.

The problem actually starts there.

Arriving at school in Tony's car, with his jacket on because you didn't bring one, and with him with his arm around your shoulders, just because he was saying something sarcastic in your ear, gave the impression of something very different to your classmates.

"Dude, I don't like this." You mutter as you realize the curious stares you were receiving as soon as you two entered the main building. Tony on the other hand loves the attention. But seeing your expression, he put a little distance between you both.

"Hey, relax, this school loves gossip but it's no biggie." He tries to reassure you. But his own relaxed posture ends when Pepper Potts approaches you two next, looking quite enraged.

"I should have known you weren't worth my time, Stark." She spoke before slapping the boy right across the face.

The school erupted in a buzz. You opened your mouth in surprise, and Tony rubbed his face, ready to defend himself, but Pepper was already leaving.

"I'll talk to you later, Y/N." He said before walking off after Pepper to explain himself.

Hyper Aware of the hallway watching you, you bowed your head and started walking toward the chemistry labs.

Maybe a little lesson would distract you from the embarrassment of that morning.

You were already sitting in one of the front chairs when Wanda came in, in her typical dark clothes, which seemed to make her even more pretty.

Although you had an appointment, she didn't greet you. You swallowed the sigh of dissatisfaction, that girl was so hard to understand.

You busied yourself checking your homework when not-so-slow comments from your other classmates caught your attention.

"Everyone saw them arrive together." One girl commented to her classmate. "And she's even wearing his jacket."

"They're screwing I'm sure." The other girl said. You clutched your book tightly, annoyed at the way these people seemed willing to talk about your life.

"Did you see that Pepper Potts slapped his face in the middle of the hallway?" Another classmate asked from across the room. By this point, you were sinking into your seat in shame. "I bet Stark was seeing both of them."

"He deserved the slap then."

"But how could Pepper have not noticed this before? Those two were always hanging out together. And I can understand, Tony's pretty hot."

"And quite rich too. Everyone wants to hang out with him."

You felt the stares burning behind your back, but you didn't have the courage to look.

Fortunately, the teacher arrived shortly afterwards, and dispelled the comments.

Mrs. van Dyne's classes were hard enough to occupy everyone, so you didn't have to worry about gossip during this period.

Your problem was Wanda being your partner and the cold way she treated you.

"Hey." You greeted softly as you sat down on the bench next to her after the teacher finished dividing the pairs of the day's lesson. All you got in return was a murmur and a quick, almost angry look that made you frown in confusion.

Right answers, Wrong questions - Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now