Mercy (Ziall Horalik + Larry Stylinson)

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A/N: Here's a Ziall story, not sure if you'll guys like it. I do, this is my favourite to write, so yeah. Here's a prologue c:


Hell. That was the only word that could even slightly describe the first day at my new school, Stansboro Academy. The people were snobs, the staff was careless, the food (don’t even get me started on the disturbing quality of that slop), and, though it was only my first day, I’d already been classified as an outcast. I wasn’t like any of them, so they automatically shoved me aside.

 I had already observed nearly every group and learned a good bit about them, including their ‘leaders.’ First, there were the jocks. The jocks, as always, practically ruled the school. This group had two leaders: Lima Payne and Louis Tomlinson, captains of the football team (no, not American football, you twat). Louis and I had an encounter in the office; he was actually the first person I’d met here. He said, “Watch where you’re fucking going, faggot.” Sweet, huh?

Second, there were the ‘badasses.’ Three leaders for this group (hooray): Zayn Malik, Perrie Edwards, and Josh Devine, also known as the potheads of the school.

Third, the cheerleading squad and colourguard/dance team; Captain of the bitches, ahem, I meant cheerleaders was Eleanor Calder (dating Louis Tomlinson. Who would’ve guessed? Football player dating cheerleader, so non-cliché and original! Fucking shocker!) and leader of the dance squad, Danielle Peazer. She wasn’t a huge cunt, but she couldn’t tell the difference between an opossum and a horse.

Then, lastly (if just counting large groups), were the outcasts. This group consisted of many smaller groups, such as the Goths (Violet Piper), the nerds (Harry Styles), the drama geeks/glee club geeks (Lily Aldridge, she was actually my cousin, the main reason we moved to this area), the quiet, artsy kids (Cher Lloyd), and the band kids/any kid who knows how to perfectly play an instrument (Ed Sheeran). This group was really more just one group since the majority of the kids were also in different parts of the clique. For example, Violet was also a quiet artist and also in the school’s choir and glee club. My cousin, Lily, was also part of the band kids as well as being the glee club, in drama and the school’s choir. Harry was a part of the choir, glee club, drama class and the class president (who knows how he even got any votes if he’s such an outcast, oh, did I mention he’s also mute? How did this election end with him as president?) These kids were the multi-talented ones that got no respect, which is exactly where I was getting shoved. Not that it was such a badthing, it was just odd; this school was very quick to judge.

 “Niall! How was your first day?” my mother piped giddily from the kitchen, ending her short sentence with a hiccup. Short sentences and hiccups usually only means one thing: she was drunk, once again. Hooray.

 “Great.” I lied through my teeth before I c=scurried up to my bedroom, shutting and locking the door before tirelessly collapsing onto my bed, making my old, blue duvet scrunch at the edges of my body. This was going to be a /long/ year.

A/N: I'm going to only update my stories now after I get ten reads more than the last amount. Sorry not sorry. SHOW ME YOU WANT IT. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2013 ⏰

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