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With Bruce Serum's, everything was muffled down.

Unfortunately, your powers were gone too.

Bruce was upset about it, but you smiled while you bandaged the small cut on your finger after trying to prepare lunch with Bucky and getting distracted by his imitation of Tony, assuring Bruce that fortunately a temporary loss of your healing abilities was the only side effect.

Soon the Avengers would be back from Korea, and Natasha could help you train your abilities.

A warning that the jet was landing and an irritated Clint changed your plans.

"Natasha has been captured." He announced as soon as you, Bruce and Bucky reached him. "I would have gone back but we prioritized the scepter."

"Don't be so grumpy, we'll find her, arrow guy." Tony warned as soon as he landed beside the jet, his armor full of marks. You wondered how violent the fight was.

"Where are...?" You started but Tony quickly waved back before you could finish, and you glanced in the direction, catching Wanda and Pietro leaving the jet next to Steve, who looked upset, most likely at the fact that Natasha was not with them.

Pietro, who was helping the captain push a compartment around, let go and waved encouragingly at you, causing the captain to grimace in indignation.

You hurried to catch up with the twins while Steve claims "I'll carry it myself then."

When you reached them however, you hesitated. Pietro gave a lopsided laugh, looking uncertain about hugging you or not. It was Wanda who spoke first.

"You're awake."

"Uh, yes." You say as you twiddle your fingers nervously. "I woke up the day after you guys left."

"Are you feeling alright?" Pietro asks next. "We were pretty worried. Some more than others."

Wanda elbowed her brother, and you stared at them both with confusion.

"W-we're just glad you're okay." She adds with a shy smile, and you feel your cheeks heat up.

"Yeah, it's not all perfect, but things will work out."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll explain everything later, let's go inside first." You say. "You guys must be hungry."

You helped Bucky finish lunch while the Avengers arranged themselves at the table. Steve and Tony seemed tense, worried about getting back to work soon, but Bucky insisted that they should eat something first.

Clint returned to the lab to track down any sign of Natasha.

While Steve was telling you all about how everything went down in Korea, Ultron's plan for the new Vibranium body, with the stone as the power source, you served the twins. Pietro thanked you cheerfully, commenting about the food looking better than anything he had ever eaten, and you were about to return the comment, but your fingers brushed Wanda's as you handed her the plate, and you were busy disguising how affected you were.

"What happened around here?" Steve asked next and you exchanged a look with Bruce. "You seem to be feeling better. Bruce kept me informed, but didn't say how he figured it all out."

"Well, to sum up..."

After Bruce told you what had happened over the past three days, making medical observations and comments that you didn't quite understand, Steve had a worried expression that matched the twins'.

"And how are you feeling?" The captain asked. You shrugged.

"I'm fine, I guess." You said. "It's strange not being able to heal myself after so long, but if the price is not feeling as overwhelmed as before, it's worth it."

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