Zayn + Y/N Smut

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A/N: I feel like posting my imagine smut. Yay for Y/N c; enjoy reading, you dirty minded bitches. Love you <3

Zayn Malik walked down the hall as he glanced at all of the students around him; he noticed one in particular, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). She was the norm of them all but she would always be the one who stood out most to Zayn, even if Zayn stood out the most to the rest. His dark hair cut short, styled into a quiff with a blonde streak in the front with his strong stench of tobacco, stubbly chin, his dark, ripped clothing and his tattooed arms. He strutted over to (Y/N), looking at the girl from behind.

 “(Y/L/N).” he said sternly, his voice rough from smoking.

 “H-Hello Zayn...” she turned as she shut her locker softly, “What do you need?” she asked as she moved away a little, keeping her distance from the taller figure.

 “I don’t need anything; can’t I just have a conversation with someone? Just because I’ve changed doesn’t mean I’m no longer human.” He rolled his eyes, moving closer to her. He admired the mounds under (Y/N)’s sweater; a small smirk played on his features. He’d always had a thing for (Y/N), but those skimpy skirts she always wore had teased Zayn, and he hated the fact that he wanted to see under those skirts.

 "W-Well, I know you’re still human, but why talk to me and n-not one of your friends?” she looked up at the rebel innocently.

 “They don’t intrigue me as much as you; I never know what you’re thinking. They’re usually thinking about sex, chicks, what class to skip next or what to wear tomorrow…or in their case what to take off.” He heard (Y/N) laugh a little and smiled softly to himself.

 “Well, I’m thinking about something I shouldn’t right now.” She bit her lip softly, looking up at the punk man beside her as they walked.

 “And what would that be?” Zayn purred, turning to face her.

“Oh, it’s personal information. You wouldn’t be interested in that kind of stuff anyways.” She felt her cheeks grow pink as she looked down, admiring Zayn’s shapely arms.

“Would that ‘kind of stuff’ happen to” he smirked, backing (Y/N) up to the lockers as the hall began to empty.

“We-We’re gonna be late for class...” she looked down and began to slide away. Zayn grabbed her wrist.

 “Fuck being late, I know what you’re thinking. You want (M/N) all over you right now, that’s it isn’t it?” he barked quietly at (Y/N) as the girl slowly shook her head.

“I’m over him. I’m into someone else now…” she blushed more as Zayn placed his hands on the girl’s hips.

“Oh?” he asked as he moved his face closer to (Y/N)’s, brushing their lips together and softly kissing the (Y/E/C) eyed girl.

 (Y/N) felt her muscles relax as their mouths moved against one-another’s as they kissed. Zayn shoved (Y/N)’s back against the lockers as (Y/N) tried moving forward, showing the woman that he was in control.

“Z-Zayn, could you...t-take me somewhere a little more...private?” her breath shook as she spoke; Zayn’s mouth was on her neck, sucking and nipping at the skin on her nape. Zayn looked up at her and grabbed her hand, yanking her with him as he ran with (Y/N) outside towards the bleachers.

 “Here?” she asked, feeling the warm sun on her slightly tanned skin. Zayn nodded and pushed her back onto the cold metal, hovering over her as he kissed her again, sliding his tongue over her bottom lip. (Y/N) shivered as she felt something cold run over her lip.

 “What was that?” (Y/N) whispered. Zayn flashed (Y/N) his pink tongue. Zayn’s tongue was pierced. He kissed her again, licking her bottom lip again, letting his piercing run slowly over the soft skin. (Y/N) parted her lips, letting Zayn slip his tongue in and explore (Y/N)’s wide mouth with his snake-like tongue. (Y/N) moaned softly into Zayn’s mouth, sending chills down the punk’s spine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2013 ⏰

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