Maths class

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It was last period on a Tuesday y/n walked into class by her self because she is too cool and stunning to even be compared to her classmates, she sat down gorgusly got her maths book out and ignored the weird girl next to her making strange faces.

"I hate maths" mumbled y/n, whilst writing down the date.
"It's not that bad though coz we sit next to each other" said the wierd girl next to y/n

Y/n gave her a dirty look, then looked over at the whiteboard but instead her eyes glanced over at mr chappy's REALLY big BBL she couldn't resist is was so voluptuous not to mention it gave her memories of the sticky bottom brownie that she had eaten at break.

Mr chappy came over to talk to her...

Mr chappy and y/n *BASED ON REAL LIFE EVENTS*Where stories live. Discover now