That Day

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The light shone on Vegeta's eyes. He tried to cover them with the blanket, but someone removed it. He opened his eyes and saw Vennesa standing there.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty. Time for breakfast."


He slightly blushed when he saw her outfit. She was wearing a sleeveless top, which showed the straps of her bra, and some minnie shorts.

"Come on." she said with her hands on her hips. "Get up."


"Bulma left early. She had a job to do across town."

"When will she be back?"

"Well, she has a big business trip and won't be back for a month or so."

"Oh. What about Shadow?"

"Same thing. But I think he's just gonna go on a wild goose chase for some random shit."

"That's Shadow for you."

"You can say that again."

They both laughed.

"Come on, I made pancakes." she said walking out of the room.

Smiling, he got out of bed and got dressed. He went to the kitchen and sat down.

"Here you go."

She set a plate in front of him. He grabbed a fork and put the food in his mouth.

"Mmmm... This is actually good."

"Well I am a better cook then Bulma. She usually burns it."

"That's why I prefer your food." he mumbled.

"What was that Vegeta?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

He blushed.


She shrugged and headed upstairs.

"I gotta feed the kids. Don't do anything stupid ok?"


She walked upstairs. Vegeta couldn't help but look at her behind as she walked. Even after all these years, he was still in love with her and still wanted her body.

Even while I slept with Bulma, all I could think about was her... he admitted in his head.

Sikia came downstairs and looked in the fridge.

"Good morning." he said.

"Morning dad."

"What do you plan on doing today?"

"Oh, I'm actually going camping with Goku. We won't be back for about five weeks."

"Alright then."

She starred at him silently before walking out the door with a giant bag.

"Tell mom I said bye."

"Ok, I will."

With that, she left. Vennesa came down the stairs.

"Was that Sikia?"

"Yes. She's going camping with Kakarot. She wanted me to tell you she said goodbye."

"Oh, ok then."

She sat next to Vegeta and laid on his shoulder which made him blush.

"Man, I'm so tired."

She let out a yawn. Vegeta smelled something. It was like a mixture of toxins and roses. He recognized it right away.

"Robinita, are you in heat?"

"Why would you ask?"

"Your scent."

"Oh. Then I guess I am."

She closed her eyes and fell asleep on his shoulder. He couldn't help but look at her, and every time he did he was turned on by her body.

"R-Robinita. Please get off. You know what happened last time."

She didn't respond. She was fast asleep. Vegeta really wanted to sleep with her, but he didn't want to take advantage. So he just sighed and took her to her bedroom.

He placed her on the bed, covered her with the sheets and started walking out. The demon wolf woke up.




"But I..."

"Por favor?"

"I don't speak Spanish."

"Lier. I taught you and Nappa when we were younger."

"You taught me how to dance to it, not how to speak it."

"Well it means 'please'."

"Sorry Robinita. But I can't. Last time I was around you when you were in heat you became pregnant with Sikia."

She playfully smiled.

"That's because you weren't in control silly."

"A saiyan is never in control when they're around someone in heat."

"Ok, I understand."

She closed her eyes as Vegeta walked out of the room.

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