I'm Just Different

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He hadn't been the same since the accident. It worried me to no end. He wasn't one to do very much with others, mostly kept to himself, but lately, he seemed to be turning everyone away. Being one of his only friends, it worried me senseless. It killed me to know that his sister had died in the house fire and he had been burned himself. She had just moved into that new house, ready to begin her life. I knew he was in a lot of pain  and all I wanted to do was help him feel better. And that's what brought me to his house, unexpectedly knocking on his door, hoping that he would be home. 

"Yes, oh hello Ms. (f/n). What can I do for you?" His mother had answered the door, and although I didn't particularly like his parents from the stories Ruben had told, I was still nice nonetheless. 

"Hello Mrs. Victoriano. Is Ruben home?" I had a hope filled gleam in my eyes as I awaited an answer. 

"He is indeed. He's upstairs in his room if you'd like to come in." I nodded in a thankful way and entered as she held the door open for me. 

As I entered the house, I looked in awe at everything. I did this every time I came over, never getting over the beautiful way this house was designed. 

"I'll come up to check on you guys later." I nodded and began to ascend the stairs to his room. 

As I arrived, I knocked on his door and received no response. Being the stubborn one I was, I continued to knock on the door, waiting for an answer.

"Go away." His tone was sharp and pained. I gave a sigh, just wanting to hug him.

"It's me, Ruben." I called back to him. 


"Please let me in." I could hear some shuffling coming from his room and soon his door opened a small amount. 

"It's Ruvik now." I nodded and entered as he held the door open farther. He had bandages wrapped around his face and his demeanor had completely changed. He seemed so dark and sad. 

As customary, I began to look around his room at all of the experiments he was working on. They had fascinated me as they did him and I couldn't help but be nosy.

I could hear his door close and lock. I looked over to see him leaning against the door.

"Why did you come?" His tone remained sharp and I flinched slightly at the rudeness.

"Well, I've been really worried about my best friend and thought that I should come see him." I gave him a warm smile as he sighed heavily. 

He walked over to his bed and sat down, hunched over. My smile soon faded as I went over and sat next to him. 

"I've missed having you around, Rub- Ruvik." I moved closer towards him and he stayed in place. I could guess that he didn't mind. 

"I really have been worried about you," I let out a heavy sigh, "it's not the same without you..." 

I turned to give him a warm smile, one that was met with a glare. He immediately shot up from the bed and stood to face me. And he yelled.

"Why do you even bother staying around? Why don't you just leave? I don't need you, I don't need anyone. Not anymore. So just leave." I could see tears forming in his eyes and I knew that he meant none of that. I knew that if he ever needed anyone, now would be the time. 

I had a slightly hurt expression as I got up from the bed. I stood still for a moment, trying to hold back tears of my own. I immediately pulled him into a hug and I was not about to let go.

"Because you're my best friend. Because I need you in my life. Because I-..." I stopped myself, not knowing if now was the best of times to tell him how I really felt. 

AU!Ruvik x Reader DifferentWhere stories live. Discover now