Recap of The Charaters

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💫Meet The Characters:💫

All witches and warlocks have the basic magical abilities such as spell casting and transportation methods

Adrienne: Adrienne is the older of the twins, she likes to stay within her small group of friends because she is a little shy. Her fierce attitude and quick temper makes others unsure of their feelings towards her. Her look consists of blond hair, bold colors such as red and black, she usually wears dark but subtle make-up surrounding her foggy blue eyes. Adrienne values her relationship with her sister most in life She later develops the power to control elements; Wind, Water, Earth, Fire, and Light.

Chloe: Chloe is twenty minutes younger then Adrienne.Chloe is outgoing and loves everything that breathes. She is head cheerleader and everyone wants to be her friend. She has many friends but no one can replace her special love that she has for her sister. Her look consists of pinks and light colors, she wears soft and pale shades of make-up enchanting her crystal blue eyes and silky blonde hair.Chloe produces the power Enhanced Senses, Healing and Telekinesis(move objects with her mind).


Ash(Ashton): Ash is the watcher. Being the watcher means that he is head of the Royal Guard. His looks are tall, brown hair, hazel eyes, and muscular body type. It is his job to look out for his "men" and to keep Darklighters out of the realm. Ash has a family of his own that lives in the royal place with the royal family. Ash has an older brother, Hunter and a younger sister Cameron. Before Ash became head guard Hunter was in charge, and before Hunter, Ash's father Jonathan was head guard. The royal guard is in his families blood, passed from each generation in his family.

Janell - Janell is know as "the Daughter of Hell". Her mother is Serena and her father is king of the Darklighters, Jayden. Janell has the hardest life possible, she is hated by everyone because of the horribleness her parents brought to the world. The entire land of Gemini is terrified that she will be exactly like her mother and try to kill the royal's and ruin the happiness of the world. Janell is short, she has dark hair and dark brown eyes. She is 22 and her powers are Audible Inundation( The power to overwhelm someone's mind with voices) and Intangibility(The ability to render one's body intangible, allowing them to pass through solid objects.) Janell co-runs the army with the love of her life Damian, her father henchman.

Ryan Mason

Ryan wasthe football star of Beverly high school. Ryan is 23, tall, very handsome, funny and chill. Ryan has a huge crush on Chloe, only she doesn't know it yet. Ryan is one of the guardians of the royal family. He falls in love with Chloe while he is supposed to be protecting her. His only power is simple spells and he can totally kick someone's butt if they try to hurt the royal family. Ryan has given his life to Chloe and will do anything to keep her safe and make her feel happy. Ryan has not told Chloe of his true identity but he believes it will protect in the end.

Ethan Lawrence

Ethan is Adrienne's boyfriend. They have been dating for two years. Ethan is a wizard but hasn't told Adrienne, because he thinks it will keep her safe. When Adrienne tells Ethan she is a witch he comes clean and tells his secret. Ethan is sixteen, average height, brown eyes, brown hair, handsome, and is very much a people person. If Ethan ever had to he would fight to the death just to protect Adrienne.

Kira(Shakira)- Kira is Adrienne and Chloe's godmother. Kira has raised the twins since their parents died. Kira also is a witch like the twins and her power is deflecting (the ability to deflect the active powers of another) and to stop/slow time at her own will. Kira's look contains little make-up because her beauty overpowers any make-up, reddish- brown hair, and tall slender body. Kira has hidden many secrets of the magic world from the twins in order to keep them safe.

New Characters:

*Only appear once or twice in the book. Mostly just mentioned*

*LeeAnn Lawrence (Ms.Lawrence)- LeeAnn is Ethan's Mother. She is human unlike her son and husband. She has dark brown hair and dark eyes. LeeAnn is aware of her son and husband's abilities because when she and David were married the had to go to Queen Ellie and King Enrique (The twins grandparents) to show that all humans were not bad. This was the first time Pollux's ( Men with powers) and Humans had ever been married. LeeAnn and Kira also became close friends when Ethan and Adrienne started dating. LeeAnn loves Adrienne and helps stand as a "mother figure" in Adrienne's life.

*David Lawrence(Mr. Lawrence)- David is Ethan's Father. He, like Ethan is a senior Wizard of Merlin David is and has been Ethan's teacher as Ethan has hidden his powers for his whole life and he, Ethan and David's older brother, Matrix, are the only Wizard of Merlin left. Before the Darklighters planned to take over Gemini, they destroyed every wizard the could find, including Merlin himself. Luckily for the Lawrence Family the did not live in any of the Zodiac tribes, and it is very difficult for Darklighters to leave the magic world, unless they are Dark Royalty like Jayden, Serena and Janell. David is tall, has blackish hair and hazel eyes.

*Christina Mason (Mrs. Mason)- Christina is Ryan's Mother. She holds a very important role with the royal family, as she is the Royal Assistant to Queen Scarlett. She has the simple spell casting power to help the queen as well, like her son and daughter. Christina is a lovable, admirable and protective type person with a huge heart for friends and family. She has blonde hair an brown eyes.

*Bryan Mason (Mr.Mason)- Bryan is Ryan's Father. Bryan is a Guardian as well as Ryan, sworn to protect the royal family. Bryan is handsome, ripped, brow-blonde hair, blue eyes and is 6'4. He is protective,athletic, fun to be around, and helpful.

Blair (Mason) Cordell- Blair is Ryan's older sister and is also Hunter Cordell wife. Blair is in the army along side Hunter and Ashton. She joined the army once she and Hunter got married. Blair has jet black hair, brown eyes, and sick cat-eye make up that she wears to cover scars on the corner of her eyes, that one of Serena's bodyguards gave her during the first war. Blair and Cameron were friends the minute Cameron joined the army, the strongest of the women warriors. She and Hunter were devastated when Cam died. Blair and Hunter work so well because Blair is a total bad ass and Hunter counteracts her. She takes no shit, she knows what she needs to do, yet when she wants to be, she is friendly, caring, and a loving person.

The People of Gemini

- Castor's - Women in who were born or live in Gemini, who have magic or is a Magical Being.

-Pollux's - Men in who were born or live in Gemini, who have magical or is a Magical Being.

The People Of Scorpio

-Draklighter's - Jayden and Serena's followers, army and "Family"
- Lambert's- Common people who live in Scorpio.

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