Something Never Forgotten

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The last we see of Chloe and Adrienne is them using their marvelous powers to carve a 16 into their birthday blue moon. All was peaceful in Gemini, even though Ash, Hunter, and Prince Jack were off leading the Army to find Damian and Serena's daughter Janell. Ryan stayed in Gemini with his parents to help protect the royal family and Ethan came to earth to watch Adrienne and Chloe. Ryan and Chloe see little of each other but still mange to stay together. Queen Scarlett has been training Princess Marianna to become queen soon. As for Jillian, she moved to Texas, after her brother's wedding because she realized she was missing too much of her families life.

5 years later:

"Adrienne! Are you awake?"

Chloe is yelling, trying to wake me up from my slumber.

"What, what are you yelling for. It is 10 am, what is all the hubba about?

"Ethan is here." Chloe says in calm, preppy voice, then headed back to the bathroom to fix her make-up.

"And you are only waking me now because!" I respond with my usual morning sarcasm as well as a sharp look from my eyes pointed in her direction.

"Hey! I called your name like twenty times before coming in here and it's your fault for not getting up on time. It's not like we have Kira to wake us anymore."

Kira left Gemini and Beverly to help her family in the Libra nation, with a native tribe called the "Specks". A rebellion has started and she just couldn't resist, also she wouldn't let us help because the Libra nation is in Ireland. We haven't seen Kira since the end of the War.

I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth, took off my dirty tee shirt and changed into my number 7 "Kaepernick" jersey and my gray yoga pants. Since Kira sold the big house in Beverly, Chloe and I now live in a little three bedroom apartment in downtown San Francisco.
When I get downstairs I do not see Ethan. I walk into the living room "Chloe!..... Ethan isn't." Ethan stops me mid sentence from behind me sneaking a kiss.
" Morning Darlin'. Surprised ya didn't I?"
"We'll yeah, I didn't suspect you until later."
"Rynn, it is later. It's 10:30am, did you just get up?"
I just look at Ethan with a half smile because I love when he calls me Rynn. " I know, I know, I am just not used to someone not waking me up everyday on time."
" Rynn, it has been 5 years since you have even seen Kira, and you only lived with her for three years."
"True, but before Kira, my parents would do it every morning. Hey, could you do a favor for me?"
"It depends on what it is." Ethan picks me up in his arms and carries me to the couch.
"Okay, so do you remember how when the war was going on you helped Chloe train?"
"RYNN, I remember but no!"
"Oh, come on please Ethie, for me." I sound like Chloe when I beg him for things he doesn't want to do.
"Adrienne, I am sorry, but that is where I need to put my foot down, do you know how much power that takes out of me, bringing the dead back is extremely dangerous and uncontrollable sorcery. Plus I don't even have my wand or my curtain to achieve that spell anyway."
" I can take us there."
"Adrienne, I'm not doing it, unless you want me asleep for the rest of the day to regain my strength, and I know you don't want to spend our sixth year anniversary without me."

Today was Ethan and Adrienne's 6th year together as a couple, but it also happens to be 8th year anniversary of her parents death. This makes it very hard for Adrienne to celebrate at all with Ethan, without thinking of her parents.

"Adrienne, I am sorry that I cannot bring your parents back to you today, for 8 years Chloe, yourself and the entire city of Gemini have mourned Sophia and Blake's death, why should today be any different?"

Chloe walks downstairs " Adrienne, the mirror is ringing in your bedroom."
Adrienne and Ethan look hard at Chloe. "Oh, my bad, is now not a good time."
"Yeah it is, just answer it, see who it is then come get me if its urgent, alright."

Chloe goes upstairs and Ethan turns back to me.
" Rynn, tell me why today is any different from the last 5 years?"
" It's just that five years ago, when the war was happening, you brought my parents to Chloe, and she didn't even ask. I never got to see them."
Ethan moves over to my side,"Rynn, you know that Serena would have won and all of us would either be in jail or dead if I didn't help Chloe learn how to use her magic properly, and baby I'm sorry you couldn't have been there because, well you know you we're kinda fighting against your family."
I stop Ethan mid sentence " I WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE I COULD HAVE. IT'S NOT MY FAULT I TRIED TO KILL EVERYONE, JAYDEN TOOK OVER MY MIND!" I light the couch on fire, because I was getting so mad at Ethan.
Ethan puts out the couch, conjures a new one, and relaxes me, " Baby, listen to me, I would do anything for you and you know that, but I'm so sorry that I can't give you your parents for an anniversary gift. I will leave you be if you want."
Ethan stands up from the couch, and heads for the door. "Ethan wait! I'm sorry I tried forcing you to use your strongest power, which causes you pain just for me. I don't want to spend our anniversary without you, please stay?"
" I'll never leave you Adrienne, I promise."
A powerful kiss is shared between Ethan and Adrienne, as Chloe shirks upstairs.

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