Its Cold Outside

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Water runs down my back,its good to feel the cold on my neck and the shampoo in my hair. I wash my body and regret it ever being created but what am I gonna do. After a long shower I get dressed in my white dress,a black knee high boots making sure not to expose too much ankle I guess.My jet black hair covered my hair like Samara from "The Ring"my sweater is pulled over my fingers like some sort of soft girl. Maybe I am a soft girl.

My mom asked me if I'm ready but I never am,I'm just complying.I wasn't ready. I replied with " yes" and got in her car. I heard that this type of stuff is for crazy people. Am I crazy. No. I'm Normal I just am a little scared,no scarred,yes I'm crazy.
We arrive and I step out the car and stare at the institution, its a three storey building,Grey and giving off nothing but a ominous feeling like there's nothing but the worst of the worst in their.
I began to panic internally, I would tell my mom to take me home but what's the worst that can happen. After what I've experienced I don't know how worst I could endure.

I take a step towards the gate,and felt a cold breeze as if it's pushing me towards the building.My mom spoke to him and he pointed towards the second floor. I followed my mom and went upstairs,my mind was racing. "What if the stairs collapse, what if the building falls down on me,if I fall through the floor right now am I going to be compensated". But these thoughts didn't stop me,I step in behind my mom and looked around scanning the walls and reading the amount of inspirational quotes that were plastered on it.
I was trembling as me and my mom sat waiting for the therapist to speak with me. My mom saw and inquired about it all I could say was that,it was cold outside. Am I really cold or is the world freezing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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