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"auuuuuugh......Henry we have to many lawsuits..... we may need to close down...." Said William to Henry with a depressing frown on his face, Henry knew they had 34 lawsuits but he wanted, no no he needed to keep this business alive no matter what! Henry tried comforting William but William just seemed kinda....depressed, but deep inside William had hope, he has a wife, 3 kids and even a best friend who started a business with him called "Fredbears Family Diner" it had 2 animatronics named spring Bonnie and Fred bear. But both Henry and William had great hopes that this will be a long time success, so no mater what William and Henry will keep this business alive until the day they die. A few minutes later William came back with some money he has been saving for if something bad happened, he only had around $2,000. They both knew it would not be able to fill all 34 lawsuits but at least 3-5 if their lucky. and Henry had only around $5,000 witch could only pay for maybe 8-10. William and Henry both knew that it wont cover even half of them, they needed a way to earn more money before Fredbears Family diner closes forever, they only earn 100-300 dollars a day and maybe 500 on a good day.  So William and Henry did the only reasonable thing and created Circus Babys pizza world to try and get some more money to roll in, and along with that Henry and William made 4 new animatronics while becoming more and more close.  The money was rolling in after that and while Henry and William where watching just hanging around watching the money flow. William had the amazing idea of having "a boys night out". William came to Henrys house that day with Elizabeth so that Charlotte and Elizabeth could play in Charlotte's room. after Elizabeth and Charlotte where in Charlotte's room Henry and William started talking about work stuff anf what they should dude, they realized after they opened up Circus Babys pizza world they have been getting money much much faster and that they have earned almost $8,000 in the past week. things where getting brighter for Henry and William with them almost being able to pay off all their lawsuits. They decided that for a celebration they'll go to the bar and have a drink together for almost being able to pay off their lawsuits. "It may take a few more week but we earned it!" said William in glee, "Correct! William, you really are the greatest friend i ever had!" said Henry in response with the biggest grin William has ever seen since Fredbears Family Diner Opened up. Henry and William walked to the bar together leaving Charlotte and Elizabeth with Henrys wife. Once they got to the bar they ordered a few shots and got a bit sober. But they deserved it, after all thats why they went, as a congratulations. After around 20 minutes they where pretty drunk, so they went back to Henrys house yo see that Mrs.Afton came to pick up Elizabeth, she asked william if he wanted to come back home yet but William wanted to stay for a bit, Mrs.Afton just laughed then told him to stay safe and have a good time as she left. Henry and William just ran upstairs giggling like little children as they went to Henrys room, they sat on the bed and just talked a bit more and being a bit goofy as they are still a bit sober. They started to tackle each other and maybe wrestling, you cant really tell tho. After a few minutes of this they just started bursting into laughter like complete idiots! After a bit of time passed William went back to his house saying goodbye to Henry. When he got to his house Elizabeth was Playing with C.C while micheal was in his room. Mrs.Afton was also in her room waiting for William, she was so happy when he came home cause she said that shes just to tired from handling everyone and may need William To stay home tomorrow as shes going on a vacation for a bit, he agrees and will tell henry that he wont be here tomorrow. William and Mrs.Afton go to sleep for the night and when William woke up he saw a note from his wife, Mrs.Afton.

                                                               TO BE CONTINUE IN CHAPTER 2

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