Chapter 7: Finding His Hideout

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(Raven: Don't play the song until it's needed)

(Normal speech, in thought, two people speaking)

Bryan's POV:

It has been a few weeks and we still haven't found anything about River's whereabouts. I'm worried and Inpu knows it too. Mario and Kay have been working nonstop with the search party.

I hope River's ok once we find Seductive Rose I am personally killing him myself!!

Inpu's POV:

I'm worried for Bryan! I know he's lying when I ask if he has been resting. He needs his rest if he truly wants to help find River! I talked to Mario and he says they feel like they are getting close but I know he's also tired but he's pushing himself forward in this search.

His girlfriend Kay is worried about him and I know he knows but I believe they can do it and find River. We just need faith!!

Mario's POV:

Me and Kay were looking at the map again with Xylo. We couldn't understand why we couldn't find them. We all knew Seductive Rose wouldn't have a little house that would be uncharacteristic of him but we did search in case he planned something like that but we still found nothing.

Mario: You sure we've searched everywhere Xylo?!

Xylo: I'm sure we searched everywhere on land and sea. We even had Inpu come alone just in case it was invisible!

Kay: Something is off Seductive Rose wouldn't repeat what they did last time that's for sure what have we not thought of that they could do!?

Mario: Maybe we missed something, they flew off towards the west. We've checked that whole area.... we could have walked past it and have not known!

Mario looked at the map to see where they could have missed and what they already had searched. He was about to give up but then Xylo noticed something.

Xylo: Wait this area in the mountains have we checked that area yet?!

Mario: You're right no we haven't got Bryan and Inpu I have a feeling we will need them for this!

Third Person's POV:

Xylo went and got them and they met up at the dock getting ready to set out towards the west mountain area.

Once they were set they headed off in hopes that this could be the clue to where Seductive Rose took River, not knowing what Rose's plan was or what they had done. Bryan was nervous because he knew it wouldn't be simple at all but he also knew they had to try to get him back no matter what!

Inpu knew Bryan was nervous but he also knew he couldn't lose his cool and had to do his best to help him and the search team to locate River. Who knows what Seductive Rose has done to him while we panic searching clueless for them.

The mountains came into view and they looked at each other getting ready for if they did come across Seductive Rose or River.

Mario: Anything Inpu?!

Inpu: Not yet but I do feel a lot of magic in this area!!

Bryan: Then we must be getting close because when we searched the other areas we got no magical energy!

Kay: Bryan has a point where is the energy coming from?

Inpu: Over there at the big mountain side!!

They flew towards where Inpu had said and landed. After searching for a bit they thought they had come to another dead end but Inpu felt something on the flat side of the mountain and went to check it out.

Inpu: Something is over here!!

Mario and the others looked at Inpu and walked over to the place he was. Inpu put his hand on the wall of the mountain closing his eyes to use his magic. After a moment the wall glowed and to reveal a blackstone gateway with black and purple roses covering the entrance everyone was surprised and took a step back.

Bryan: We were right he hid the hideout right underneath our noses!

Xylo: You're right now we want to be careful who knows what he has set up for us!!

Mario: Xylo is right, we need to be careful!! Now let's find River!

They entered the gateway keeping their guard up just in case it was a trap. While looking around they came upon a beautiful garden full of different types of flowers. They were all surprised to see it there knowing who was behind it. It didn't look dark or anything they thought but instead what they saw was a well kept peaceful garden.

-Raven: You can play the song now-

They were about to keep going when they heard someone humming. They all looked at each other and decided to check it out but nothing could prepare themselves for what they saw.

Up ahead in the middle of the garden was a fountain with benches around it but what they saw was River humming a song to Seductive Rose whose head was lying on his lap.

Bryan and the others couldn't believe what they were seeing. Why was River being so calm and kind to Seductive Rose? Seductive Rose eye's opened.

River: Good morning smiles

Bryan's POV:

I was angry at what I saw the S.R had kidnapped River yet here he was letting them lay on his lap humming Inpu had noticed and held my hand to keep me calm but Mario spoke up basically saying what I was thinking.


We all saw them both get up and look at us. Rose was right behind River as he looked at us confused.

River: Why should I and sorry do I know you?

My heart broke when River said that tears started to fall from my eyes while everyone else looked at S.R with hatred.

Bryan: W-what do you mean River! It's me Bryan you know from camp!!

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone saw River's eyes go wide, then go to fear but then relax as he looked at S.R then back at us.

River: Oh you mean the camp that hurt me! Let me guess you're here to do it again!!

Rose: smirks Yep, that would be them, don't worry they're in my domain so, they can't hurt you again!!

Bryan and the team saw S.R smirk while he said that this was S.R's plan from the beginning to turn River against them.

Rose: Now you better get out of here or who knows what will happen! Right River dear?

They looked surprised at the fact that S.R had called River "dear" . They looked at River who had walked to S.R with no problem.

River: Agreed they wouldn't want to get hurt now would they?!

At that point Mario and Kay had grabbed Bryan and Inpu to leave Inpu was trying to calm Bryan down by the time they left S.R had started to hold River in a loving hug and River smiled and hugged back.

River: Don't worry I'm never letting them have you!!

(Raven: I hope you all liked Chapter 7! Things are getting interesting for both sides! Is S.R going to stay with the plan or is something going to happen between the two? What's going to happen with the others after this continue reading the story to find out see ya all in the next chapter with that all BYEEEE!!!]

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