Chapter 8

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"Bill, we seriously don't have a choice-"

"I rather get my eye taken away than go with your plan."

Dipper looks at the demon in front of him, annoyed at his protest. He had suggested that they needed extra help, to which Bill agreed at first.

Until he mentioned that person was Sixer.

"Uncle Ford is the best option we have here."

"You're a smart kid, you can do it without his help." Bill tried to convince him, hoping he gives up the plan.

But of course, Dipper only rolled his eyes. "No. Do you want our help? We're doing it my way."

Bill stared at the male twin in front of him, a thin line on his face. "Gimme a minute."

He disappeared for a moment, only to see a tree being lifted up in an invisible force throwing far far away across the land.

He appeared again. "I let out my anger on that. Okay, fine. We're doing it your way."

"What's wrong with asking his help anyways? You don't fully know him!"

Bill just rolled his eye at him. "I don't trust him and I don't like him."

"You are so stubborn, it's stupid like your hat."



"Uncle Ford! We need your help- Bill, come here already!"

"Fuck no," Bill said before he snapped his fingers, a dollar appeared in front of Mabel immediately for the swear jar. She wasn't with them at the moment, so seeing random money in front of the girl twin in the middle of the forest only made her confused but accepted anyway.

"I would rather stay out here."

Dipper lets out a frustrating groan, pointing at the nearby tree.

"Okay fine! Just stay there and don't move."

The demon lets out a small glare, crossing his arms while appearing in the said tree. He was pouting like a child being scolded. Muttering a little. "I'm staying here because I want to."

Rolling his eyes, Dipper made it inside the Mystery Shack while walking down towards the basement where his uncle could be.

"Uncle Ford? I need to talk to you- AAHHH!"

He lets out a girlish scream when a sudden laser came toward him. Luckily, he dodges it quickly. His poor hat got a new hole though.

"Whoa, Dipper. You good?"

"What was even that?! You could have killed me!"

"But I didn't!"

Dipper just facepalms.

"Anyways, what do ya need?" He asks, putting away his invention and protection glasses.

Dipper rubbed his arms in an awkward matter. "So uh..." How does one make a conversation about a freaking multiverse- "What do you know about different dimensions?"

He looks at his nephew with questioning look. "Why do you want to know?"

"Well- It's just that I have this theory-"

"Dipper! Why did you left Bill all alone out there? You know he doesn't have any friends! He needs company!"

"Ex-fucking-scuse me?! And stop dragging me!"

"Language! Swear jar!"

Ford looks at Dipper in surprise. "Did your sister just said Bill?"

The male twin groans, annoyed that the plan of asking it in subtle matter already ruined.

"Yeah. Bill. We met this guy- It's a long story..."

"Bill Cipher. I know him, Dipper."

His eyes widened like its going to pop. "Wait, are you serious?!"

"The question is, how did you know him?"

The young teen sighed. "Again. Long story."

Meanwhile, Bill and Mabel are at the attic. Stan is out somewhere doing who-knows-what, so it was a perfect way for the female twin to sneak the demon in.

"For your information, I do have friends." he muttered, glaring at a random stuff.

He's holding a ball of yarn for her as she decided to knit a sweater.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say." Mabel waved it off. He just huff in response.

"...Is this really your ideal of fun?"

"Well yeah!"

"This is the most boring sh-shoot ever."

"No its not!" You're boring!"

"Wha- How the hell am I boring?!"

"Because you think boring and that counts as a swear!"

"Hell is a place. I should know." Bill just gave a glare while muttering under his breath.

He stopped his glaring when he got shoved a bunch of yarns and knitting materials into his arms.

"...What the hell are these?"

"You're going to knit with me."

"Fuck no!"

"Language! Swear jar!"

Bill groaned loudly. "Argh, fine!" He snap his fingers, a dollar appear for Mabel, before snatching the knitting stuff and tried to get to work.

Keyword: tried.

Not even 5 minutes in and he got himself tangled up.

"...Don't even started, Shooting Star." He gave the female twin a warning look, who look like she's ready to burst into laugh.

She ended up taking a photo infront of her, causing the demon to yell out some colorful words.


"... Bill wants assistance to help finding someone?"


"And all this started because he thought you and your sister kidnap that said person?"


"And you found out that there was a multiverses based on the journal?"

"Yes sir."

"... Well that is something." Ford muttered, flopping back down to his chair.

"Great Unlce Ford, I don't know the history between you and Bill but you're the only shot I have in helping us." Dipper pleaded a bit.

The old man sighed. "Bill is a good friend, I know that. But Dipper, you must know that multiverse are dangerous and can be unpredictable. We don't know how different they are compared to our universe. And if the wrong person knows the knowledge of this, they're going to use it for the worse."

"That's why we need you. You're an expert to this. As much as Bill gave us a bad expression in the first place, he's trying."

Ford closed his eyes for a bit, thinking of many possibilities and outcomes if he did end up helping the demon.

The majority of it is the idea of seeing Bill being reunited with his brother.

After mentally debating himself, Ford gave his nephew a warm smile.

"Alright. Let's do it."

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