Day 2. [ reese's pov ]

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"  The echoing scream surrounds the house. Natalie decides to get up and check what made that sound. While she was walking through the corridors, a shiver went up her spine.

A boy-ish figure is seen in her dream, standing on a really tall shelf. At first, confusion fills her mind.


Then, there he was.

"WHAT THE FUCK???"  she screams. "CYREEL? WHAT THE HELL???"  He's hanging from the chandelier??? WHAT??

Natalie sits up quickly in shock.

"Natalie, are you okay?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah.. I am! That was a dream?  Well, I had a bad dream. That's all."

"What happened in your dream?" Zander asks.

She told us what happened.... "It seemed really real to me.. Weird right?"

We all nodded, "Maybe it's one of those weird ass psychic dreams. Those dreams where what happens in your dreams come true.. It's fucking crazy..."

"Don't be such a bitch, Mavie. Scaring us all isn't gonna help." I say.

"ok hoe" Mavie replies.

"Aaaaaanyway haha, maybe my dream was just a bad dream."

"Yeah, I'm still here. Alive and breathing! I'm not hanging from a chandelier"

We all stare at him. I was quite disappointed, I never really liked Cyreel.

"Okay guys, back to work. Let's keep searching." Aerielle says.

Everyone splits up, searching for clues in the house.

"Guys! Over here!" I exclaim.

"What did you find?" Ysa asks.

"There's a basement, should we go in?"

Ysa: "Maybe"

Aerielle: "Of course, let's try"

Zander: "No, obviously."

Mavie: "I don't think that's a good idea."

Cyreel: "Yass"

Natalie: "Let's go!"

"Alright, let's head in then. I'll go in first."

While I walked down the stairs into the basement, the others followed.

It's kind of cold down here.

Ysa says, "Hey, is anyone else getting reaallly suspicious about this place?"

"Don't worry, you're not the only one." Zander replies.

"Hey! What the hell? Let go of m-!"

"Huh? Aerielle?" Natalie says in confusion.

"What? Where's Aerielle?" I ask.


"No, we're not. Stay calm and let's think about what we're going to do next." Zander says.

"First, we should definitely get out of here." Ysa suggests. We all agree and quickly run our way back to the ground floor.

All of us, except Aerielle, made our way to the living room.

"Okay, first things first. What happened exactly?" Zander asks.

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