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username: 10/10i like thattt

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username: 10/10
i like thattt

display name: 10/10

icon + background: 10/10

it goes so well together, i love it😩

bio: 10/10not too long and everything included

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bio: 10/10
not too long and everything included..yess!

location: 5/5
i see no lies

covers: 10/10i absolutely love your graphics <3

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covers: 10/10
i absolutely love your graphics <3

reading lists: 8/10they're really well sorted but maybe a font or symbol will make it look better? but it's good tho

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reading lists: 8/10
they're really well sorted but maybe a font or symbol will make it look better? but it's good tho

overall score: 63/65
i really like how the theme and the covers of your book goes together <3

overall score: 63/65i really like how the theme and the covers of your book goes together <3

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