1 :)

139 10 37

So I got tagged by @BLlover635

1. 2 facts abt urself 

I rant a lot in the Notes app, then delete it aft like a day and most of the friends I have are toxic :) 

2. Do you like someone?

sO, one of the biggest exams ever (like literally) will be taking place in September and I rly need to focus on my studies. So no. I do not like anybody lol

3. Do you play any instruments?

In school, we learnt how to play the guitar, ukelele, and recorder and in Kindergarten I learned how to play the piano so yea I suppose I do 

4. What are your nicknames?

Sushi, Ushi, Ushy, Busha, Susha, Xi Shi (an old Chinese princess lol)

5. What do you hate abt a person?

If they're a know-it-all and if they are not hygienic.

6. Current lock screen

7. Current home screen 

Okay so I finally figured out that I could have jst done this so uh- yeah 

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Okay so I finally figured out that I could have jst done this so uh- yeah 

8. Fav part abt urself

Probably my eyes, ppl always compliment them lol. My legs too 

9. How (I TYPED THAT OUT AS HOE HJSKLA) many languages can you speak?

English, mandarin, a tiny bit of Cantonese and I'm learning Punjabi 

10. Show ur face

Not a chance- there are ppl who are creepy af on this app 😳

11. Tag 15 ppl 

1. ssklwonyoung


uh no one else lol unless u wanna get tagged

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