⎋் Changes in the Wind

28 2 7

Description- When Natsu becomes tasked with the impossible, he comes face to face with some new faces.

Friend or Foe? Guess we'll never know.

Fandom- FT x EZ
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"The air in Magnolia is different today."

At first, when Wendy first told the group that, Natsu never understood it. Then again, he's had a very weird morning and is more distracted then normal. Firstly, he somehow woke up on the floor and his head hurt like a truck had run over it. Happy's morning chanting for fish didn't help the burn he also felt in his throat and he wondered if he overdid it when he challenged Gray on a drinking contest the night beforehand.

Worst part was, Gray seemed perfectly fine.

Natsu groans and yawns, avoiding the ongoing traffic from the fellow pedestrians. The perfectly ironed dress suit hugged his form comfortably but he was far from comfortable with wearing it. The blaring sun above irritated his dark irises and caused the blaring headache to become unbearable but he pressed on as if he wasn't affected at all. He was a fire dragon-slayer, heat nor cold affected him- or at least it shouldn't.

Ignoring the protests in the back of his mind, he reaches up and clasps onto his trust scaled scarf tightly and resisted the urge to throw it away and pray it'd help cool himself down but another voice in his head told him it would be a bad idea. Igneel, his father, made that scarf and it was the last thing Natsu had of him. Scratching the thought, Natsu released the scarf and walked on alone in the crowded streets of the town he called his home.

Magnolia was home to an extremely famous Wizarding Guild called Fairy Tail. It housed many powerful wizards, Natsu and his team included, and word of their deeds had spread throughout all of Ishgar so Magnolia had been known as the safest and most protected city in all of Fiore. Criminal activities haven't been reported in years, nor has there been any criminals spotted near the growing city.

Until a few weeks ago when a new Dark Guild showed up and its Master was spotted walking in Magnolia's very streets. Natsu, along with his trusted team, were tasked with tailing this Master in hopes of finding out any information on the Dark Guild. Rumours had it the Master was strong and only allowed audiences with classy males.

Only heaven knows why Natsu was sent as a spy, even Natsu was shocked by it.

"Take this Natsu," the scarlet sorceress spoke with authority as she tossed him the ironed suit with effortless grace. "You'll need it."

Natsu, who caught it with nowhere near as much grace, felt the fabric under his fingertips and raised an eyebrow with a struggle. "What the hell for?" He questioned her as he looked back into her scrutinising gaze.

Erza, looking perfect as always in her short skirt and white ruffled blouse, placed her hands on her hips firmly as she stared directly into his gaze. The rest of the group, sitting around a wooden table inside the populated Guild Hall, watching the interaction take place eagerly. Gray especially seemed like the most amused person on the planet; it made Natsu want to slap that cocky smirk right off his face.

"To spy on Griselda of course," Erza responds before she slides into the seat beside Gray, sitting closer to the ice mage then she needed to, and leans on her elbows as her gaze hardens. "I got word from a client that she's making a move, she was spotted walking by the Magnolia Library this morning and I don't like how she's the only one game enough to come to Magnolia unless it's to do some Dark Guild scheming."

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