Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


Julia awoke from her slumber with the strange feeling that she was Dorothy in Wizard of Oz.

She looked around the room, illuminated amber by the street lights outside their window, and saw the plush carpet, wallpaper and the wardrobe door which had her bridal gown on the opposite side.

Laying back down, Jules stared up at the ceiling as she remembered they weren’t in the desert.

We’re not in Kansas anymore,” Julia muttered Dorothy’s line as she shifted onto her side, feeling the duvet brush her bare flesh beneath the covers, and watched Marc.

Catching sight of the clock on the bedside table, illuminating red, Julia calculated that it would be 0600 hours in Camp Bastion.

They would be just getting up around now in the camp whilst in Britain it was 0130 hours and most people were in bed.

Marc began to stir beside her, as if sensing he was being watched but he did not wake.

Jules was thankful because it meant she could simply lie there and watch him, a smile coming to her lips as she remembered their previous evening.

It had been their first time in a sense although it hadn’t.

Jules had many memories of Marc but the new Jules, as Julia began to call herself, hadn’t. She was determined to make as many as possible.

With their jobs who knew when she would get blown up next.

Jules shook her head, she did not want to think about that now, not when she was sharing a bed with an undiscovered sex God.

Because he was.

To tell the truth, Julia had been experimental when she was young, especially with a young lad from her class called Brad, but she had never been made to feel like that.

Julia did not know how skilled a ‘Sex God’ had to be, or what qualifications they needed, but if it was anything like how Marc made her feel last night, multiple times, then he had to be the best Sex God this side of the equator.

Laying on her side, Jules tried to resist waking him for round four. A smile coming to her lips as she remembered the previous three rounds.

She should have been tired, sprawled out asleep beside Marc, but she was past exhaustion.

Her body was a bottle of energy, waiting for the lid to be taken off of it.

Marc turned beside her, his hair a dishevelled mess from the combination of sex and sleep. His nose was slightly pink from sunburn but his lips looked at kissable as ever.

Following her vow to make memories, Julia knew what she would do next.

Another look at the clock confirmed that she would have another thirty minutes before Marc began to wake, their body clocks synced with Camp Bastion, Afghanistan rather than London, United Kingdom.

They would have to sort that, Julia thought as she swung her legs over the side and looked for something to wear, although she liked nights.

There was something about knowing that she was awake whilst everyone was asleep, there was a sense of danger and exclusiveness that she enjoyed.

The only problem was that it was impractical.

Checking that Marc was still asleep, his arm stretched out towards her side of the bed, Julia made the daring move to hurry across the room naked as the day she was born.

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