Part 82

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2 p.m. , Bali.

"Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra?" asked the attendant who had spotted Manik and Nandini coming out of the airport. Manik gave a slight nod to his question. Giving them his smile, the attendant showed them the way to the car. All the arrangements were looked after long back along with the tickets ,online. They were staying in Amnaya resorts till any further planning.

"Here are the keys to your suite sir" said the lady . Her over- gracious smile obviously meant she was flirting with our man, Nandini's man rather. Nandini took the keys from her when Manik gestured her to, as they walked forward hand-in-hand.


Nandini was into the view in the balcony with her eyes closed and arms folded across her chest as the breezes touched her face flowing her hair along with it . Manik stood leaning on the balcony door admiring her with a constant smile on his face. No words were said but this silence was comforting and beautiful than any other thing in the world. Nandini turned around to see Manik staring at her. Smiling at him, she moved towards him as he took a step forward.

"Loving the place?" asked Manik hugging her sideways as they faced the mountains again .

"Evident, isn't it?" asked Nandini standing infront of him and facing him. She moved her hands up his chest as he held her securely with one hand on her waist and the other around her neck . He leaned closer and as the proximity increased, Nandini's hold on his shoulders tightened. He took her lips in his while she responded with the same intensity. Breaking apart for a second or two, Nandini pulled him to her again smooching his lips while he smiled at her and took in her lips again. It would not have been just a kiss, if not for the knock that disturbed them . Giving a quick peck on her forehead, Manik went to attend the knocker while Nandini switched on her phone to tell the fam that they reached.

"Nandini, lets go down and have something" suggested Manik who had just come in after taking in the jug of water that the waiter had got for them.

"Yeah, just give me a minute" said Nandini quickly saying Bye  to Nyonika and changing herself into a comfortable crop top and pants.


The two walked side by side on the roads of Bali searching around for a good presentable INDIAN  restaurant in Bali. Indian. Yes. They could have easily had a tasty meal at the hotel they were staying in but because Nandini had this urge of having Indian, how not?

"What the hell Manik, do they seriously have no indian food around" said Nandini annoyed as she stopped with her hands on her waist. A hungry man is an angry man and if its a women, may god bless you.

"Yeah lets go back to India have food and come back" said Manik and with the seriousness he said it, it felt he was not joking  but he was,obviously duh! You have got a caring husband won't mean he would fly you from country to country for food.

"Funny. Chinese khane ke liye kal Chinese chalenge" said Nandini while Manik gave her a sarcastic smile.

"Okay listen, lets go back to our room and order something" suggested Manik

"They don't have Indian Manik" said Nandini as a matter of fact.

"Nandinii, we cannot walk like this na. Lets go back and figure something out" said Manik dragging her along back to their hotel room.


Manik was surfing over google for some results but because all of them were too far from the locality, it would be hectic. Seeing him trying constantly was making Nandini felt a lil guilty

"Manik you go have your food down" said Nandini while Manik looked at her with a 'seriously' look

Before he could reply to her, they had a knock on the door. Manik gave her the same look again and went out of the bedroom area to check ho it was. 

After a minute or two, Manik came in with a smile on his face.

'Lets go' said Manik having her hands in his as they moved out of the room.

Nandini did not know where they were, all she knew was they were standing infront of a house which looked beautiful. Love clearly radiated out of it.

"Where are we?" asked Nandini looking at Manik. 

"WELCOME" said an old man who had just opened the door for them. Nandini looked at him , she was confused. In a place new to them, who was this welcoming them with so much of generosity?

"Please come in" said the man leading the way.  Nandini was too confused to react and so Manik led her along with him inside  the house.

"This is Parashar Uncle. He came to see me in the hotel a few moments ago. They heard us quarelling over indian restaurants in the afternoon and so thought of helping us. " said Manik the entire story in short. Mr. and Mrs. Parashar were an indian couple living in Bali for some time, they were here to have some time for themselves after settling all of their children abroad. They were admiring Manik and Nandini in the morning, seeing their early days in them. 

"Rita likes to cook a lot but for me. Today, when she heard you two, she wanted to do it for you Nandini and so I just came to meet you guys at your hotel and invite you for dinner" said Alok Parashar.

"I am sorry Uncle and Aunty for troubling you. I mean-- I don't know what to say. Manik why did you trouble them?" asked Nandini looking at him. Why would anyone be this caring i for a stranger in today's world?

"Oh come on darling, no trouble at all. I feel very happy doing this" said Rita who came and joined them on the table.

"Yeah and its not like they are strangers . I know them. He's dad's colleague" said Manik 

"Yes. When I talked to Manik, I got to know he is Manik Malhotra haha. Raj and I are professional colleagues and so I did know about Manik but never met him" said Alok while Nandini nodded in understanding.

"Here, start with your food guys" said Rita .

"Thankyou so much Uncle and Aunty. If not were you, Nandini would have eaten me up for sure" remarked Manik making the two laugh and Nandini glare at him

"Yeah you are an indian too at the end of the day" said Nandini having her bite followed by another round of laughter.

The first evening at Bali was quite beautiful and full of love!

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